RHS Feedback

AFRF - Change Log

AFRF - 0.5.7 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006929: [General] Unable to enter BTR commander seat if hatch is open (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006738: [General] Mi-24 no gunner zoom (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006743: [General] PPD-U : script error (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006737: [General] Ka-52 wrong gun or HUD angles (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006649: [General] Black Interior optic MI-28 KA-52 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006700: [General] AN-94 has hole in geometry (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006718: [General] Green 5.45 mags display orange bakelite texture in some LODs (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006682: [General] rhs_mag_9m119m_4 not in any CfgMagazineWells (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006664: [General] D 30A (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006674: [General] Different sound for BRDM-2 and BTR-70 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006672: [General] small sound error on Russian tanks (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006662: [General] BMD-1 hiddenselections issue (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006659: [General] AFRF uniforms added in 0.5.5 missing head shadow in first person (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005299: [General] Прицел БТР-70, БТР-60ПБ И БРДМ-2 с неверным полем зрения. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006653: [General] Fix empty crew for Ural-4320 (Ammo) for Russia (VV) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006622: [General] rhs_vdv_recon_rifleman_an94 respawns with different rifle loadout (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006630: [General] PKT has perfect accuracy (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006621: [General] rhs_vdv_flora_* classes have incorrect value for their FirstAidKit items (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006623: [General] Some AA Specialist respawn without Put weapon (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006581: [General] M1025A2 the M2 mag clips (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006573: [General] Reverse Gear Speed Of 2S1 is too high (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006515: [General] Range scale for KORD (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006514: [General] Range scale for NSV (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006474: [General] Low AKM bullet velocity (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002587: [General] Кратность прицелов БМП/БМД (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005680: [General] Engine is supposed to idling, but it sounds like is working and shifting gears. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0003488: [General] Fold stock key conflicts with default walk key (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005266: [General] AK-74M stock does not fold in Multiplayer. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006437: [General] Ka-52 MROT incredibly susceptible to damage (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006410: [General] GAZ-66 (Ammo) don't have an interaction point with inventory (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006419: [General] BTR-80A has wrong gun depression. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006418: [General] Towing system: variable check 'rhs_heavyWeapon_packing' is broken (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006412: [General] 6B45 (Officer) vest radio pouch is missing hidden selection (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006414: [General] bmd-1 atgm reload is completely broken (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0001665: [General] Замените перекрестие у мониторов-прицелов танков и бмп AFRF. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002082: [General] Invalid day-channel grid of Sosna-U sight (T-72B3) + add TPD-K1 day scope to t-72b3 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002114: [General] invalid grid of night scope of commander t-80u TKN-4 + invalid grid of night scope of commander t-80u TPN-4 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006402: [General] 6Sh122 stringtables (Soul_Assassin) - resolved.
- 0006399: [General] BMP-3 Vesna stringtables (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005588: [General] Неверное изменение кратности у прицела 1Г46 (и других) Incorrect change in the magnitude of the sight 1G46 (and others) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006362: [General] new m88 models has low lod hands (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006369: [General] 9M79-1-K Clusters not spreading out? (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006359: [General] Bug with D30 (rhs_D30_msv) and GAZ-66 ZU-23-2 (reyhard) - resolved.

[43 issues]

AFRF - 0.5.6 (Released 2021-04-22) View Issues ]
- 0001884: [General] Sound from apfsds-t hit and traсer in 125 and 100 mm he shell. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005992: [General] 6B26 in EMR pattern (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006345: [General] GAZ-66 ZU-23-2 with enormous recoil (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006342: [General] Ural ZU-23 Loader vulnerability (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006339: [General] RPK-74M accuracy (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005908: [General] Ural-4320 Ammotruck (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006331: [General] Mi-24P Engine/Blades noise cuts suddenly when shutting engine down (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006336: [General] Make the PKV sight on the Mi-8 transparent (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006335: [General] AKMN pointerSlot inheritance. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006110: [General] RHS HEAT warheads lose effectiveness due to air resistance (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005985: [General] Mi-28 Crosshair in max zoom is off (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006329: [General] Backpack 'rhs_rpg_6b3' is filled after issuing (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006152: [General] 2b14 smoke rounds separate too early/don't separate at all (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005371: [General] Wrong visuals VG-40TB. Massive slowdowns in online play. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006324: [General] Destruc effect of rhs_gaz66_zu23 is very biggest (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006296: [General] Add Lodu's M88 VDV model version without patch on left arm (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006298: [General] VDV beret (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006323: [General] RHS_Ural_Zu23 is not destructable (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006322: [General] BRDM-2 ATGM bug (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006319: [General] point "equipment" and the size of the trunks for vehicles (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0003289: [General] D-30/D-30 AT Passenger Seat Has Blurred Screen (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0001891: [General] D-30 - AI cannot fire in distances that should be possible with CommandArtilleryFire and DoArtilleryFire (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006307: [General] 2 minor bugs with the ZU-23-2 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006290: [General] BMP-2K bug (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006301: [General] T-15 9M113M2 script error (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006285: [General] Soviet vests and belts capacity (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006284: [General] 6B45 (Holster) -> Pistol is not placed properly on vest (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006294: [General] ZU-23-2 is too protected from RPG-7 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006283: [General] a flaw in the M88 VDV model (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006289: [General] ZU-23-2 Gunner dismount bug (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006288: [General] ZU-23-2 Loader dismount bag (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006286: [General] How to use new D-30 AT scope? Is there any guide or smth? (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0004546: [General] Makarov "PM" pistol zeroing (reyhard) - closed.

[33 issues]

GREF - Change Log

GREF - 0.5.6 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006334: [General] Here is a donation of a retexture of the T-80u for the CDF faction. (reyhard) - resolved.

[1 issue]

GREF - 0.5.5 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006076: [General] M1 Garand not showing in the Eden editor under "empty" and "weapons" (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006075: [General] MP 44 (STG 44) not showing in the Eden editor under "empty" and "weapons" (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006046: [General] A-29 Super Tucano 50cal has no gun convergence/harmonisation (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006041: [General] ZT-6 not working vs ERA (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006032: [General] VHS-2 rifle - bad accuracy and terrible spread (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006037: [General] GREF and SAF handle folded weapon classnames differently from AFRF (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005888: [General] У АК-74 при перезарядке, магазин улетает вниз (не исчезает, как это должно быть). (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005903: [General] L-159 ZPL-20 Gunpod Autotrack/Lead (reyhard) - resolved.

[8 issues]

GREF - 0.5.4 (Released 2020-10-14) View Issues ]
- 0004350: [General] Please, add BTR-80 for GREF (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005933: [General] Zastava M70 (reyhard) - resolved.

[2 issues]

GREF - 0.5.3 (Released 2020-05-18) View Issues ]
- 0005920: [General] Field Cap (Spectre-SKWO) нужна своя иконка. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005772: [General] UH-1H NPC Pilots will kick out 1 passanger from fully loaded helicopter (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005785: [General] UAZ DShKM with wrong sight (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005756: [General] RHS Chernarus BTR-70 drop down menus reset when the vehicle is stopped. (reyhard) - resolved.

[4 issues]

SAF - Change Log

SAF - 0.5.7 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006427: [General] Very high dispersion values on M70 and M21 rifles + Scorpion and RPK-74M weirdness (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005897: [General] Issue with folding stocks and mounted vertical grips (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006373: [General] Saf in zeus (reyhard) - resolved.

[3 issues]

SAF - 0.5.5 (Released 2020-10-26) View Issues ]
- 0006178: [General] CZ99 (Engraved) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005896: [General] M21A/M21S not folding/unfolding stock with sight mounted (reyhard) - resolved.

[2 issues]

USAF - Change Log

USAF - 0.5.7 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006744: [General] Lerca 1200 : script error (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006656: [General] rhs_weap_m27iar references invalid tga image instead of paa (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006624: [General] Many weapons reference invalid CfgSoundSets RHSUSF_sd_m4_stereoLayer_SoundSet (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006640: [General] M240 & FN MAG suppressed sound broken (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006626: [General] rhs_weap_m40a5 references invalid CfgSoundSets RHSUSF_sd_M24_Shot_SoundSet (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006625: [General] rhs_weap_m24sws references invalid CfgSoundSets RHSUSF_sd_xm2010_stereoLayer_SoundSet (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006654: [General] PEQs on HK416s sink into rails for AI units (player now good) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006646: [General] AGM-114 missile names are displayed incorrectly. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006629: [General] rhsusf_army_ocp_autoriflemana respawns with different weapon (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006650: [General] Ah-64 Apache M230 gun has too little penetration (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006617: [General] AH-64D w/o radar can get radar back with toggle FCR (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006607: [General] PEQs on 416s sink into the rail (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006471: [General] M1097 2D Unhide middle top (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006360: [General] MP7A2 folding troubles (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006444: [General] Wrong thermals on Javelin (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006415: [General] Bradley back ramp not protected against 5.56 caliber and up (reyhard) - resolved.

[16 issues]

USAF - 0.5.6 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006330: [General] The wreck model of the m1a1fep is twisting (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006314: [General] USAF weapons model missing in editor (reyhard) - resolved.

[2 issues]

USAF - 0.5.5 (Released 2020-10-26) View Issues ]
- 0001530: [General] Towing the M119 and similar equipment. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006220: [General] M49A1 Mine end mission instantly (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005089: [General] Vanilla Carryall backpack equivalent to SSO/SPOSN "Tortilla Backpack (45L)" (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006139: [General] MP7 feature requests (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006173: [General] AS VAL recoil too low (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006229: [General] CH-47 Rotors being taken out with a 9mm in 6 rounds. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006230: [General] M2A2 gunner optic (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006125: [General] DAGR missiles hit values (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006087: [General] Abrams turret armour bypass (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006091: [General] BTR-60 brakes automatically at 76km/h (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006199: [General] The C-130J's gear seem to take not enough damage on a hard landing or the plane takes too much (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006180: [General] UH60M Door Gunner Backwards (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006166: [General] Typo in A10-A config (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006043: [General] M1A2 SEP v.1 (TUSK I & II) cannot equip M829A4 sabot rounds. M1 series can't load more than 8 chemical energy and APERS rounds (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006013: [General] CH-53E low FPS at advanced flight model (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006034: [General] M1151A1 character model interference with the turret (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006033: [General] MBAV vests obscure ACOG scope when m249 is deployed. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005516: [General] Abrams tanks clipping (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006027: [General] TOW missile ammo not destructible? (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006023: [General] Bradley 25mm HE tracer is way too big (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005081: [General] No way to carry javelin missiles. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006011: [General] The MH-6M family has a dual LWIRCM kit (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006005: [General] M151 Spotting Scope Like Rangefinder (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005987: [General] M1117 ASV: "Woodland" crew in "Desert" faction (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005998: [General] MH-6 Damage Model (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005999: [General] UH-1Ys rotor crashes when it shouldn't (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005496: [General] GBU-12 do not hit target (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005963: [General] A-10 GAU-8 Recoil is too much (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005986: [General] SPCS vests LOD/texture (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005978: [General] Missing ammo in crates, inventory icon is missing (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006124: [General] MP7A2 & AS VAL Rate Of Fire (reyhard) - closed.

[31 issues]

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