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AFRF - Change Log

AFRF - 0.5.7 (Not Yet Released) View Issues ]
- 0006929: [General] Unable to enter BTR commander seat if hatch is open (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006738: [General] Mi-24 no gunner zoom (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006743: [General] PPD-U : script error (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006737: [General] Ka-52 wrong gun or HUD angles (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006649: [General] Black Interior optic MI-28 KA-52 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006700: [General] AN-94 has hole in geometry (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006718: [General] Green 5.45 mags display orange bakelite texture in some LODs (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006682: [General] rhs_mag_9m119m_4 not in any CfgMagazineWells (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006664: [General] D 30A (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006674: [General] Different sound for BRDM-2 and BTR-70 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006672: [General] small sound error on Russian tanks (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006662: [General] BMD-1 hiddenselections issue (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006659: [General] AFRF uniforms added in 0.5.5 missing head shadow in first person (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005299: [General] Прицел БТР-70, БТР-60ПБ И БРДМ-2 с неверным полем зрения. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006653: [General] Fix empty crew for Ural-4320 (Ammo) for Russia (VV) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006622: [General] rhs_vdv_recon_rifleman_an94 respawns with different rifle loadout (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006630: [General] PKT has perfect accuracy (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006621: [General] rhs_vdv_flora_* classes have incorrect value for their FirstAidKit items (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006623: [General] Some AA Specialist respawn without Put weapon (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006581: [General] M1025A2 the M2 mag clips (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006573: [General] Reverse Gear Speed Of 2S1 is too high (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006515: [General] Range scale for KORD (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006514: [General] Range scale for NSV (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006474: [General] Low AKM bullet velocity (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002587: [General] Кратность прицелов БМП/БМД (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005680: [General] Engine is supposed to idling, but it sounds like is working and shifting gears. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0003488: [General] Fold stock key conflicts with default walk key (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005266: [General] AK-74M stock does not fold in Multiplayer. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006437: [General] Ka-52 MROT incredibly susceptible to damage (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006410: [General] GAZ-66 (Ammo) don't have an interaction point with inventory (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006419: [General] BTR-80A has wrong gun depression. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006418: [General] Towing system: variable check 'rhs_heavyWeapon_packing' is broken (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006412: [General] 6B45 (Officer) vest radio pouch is missing hidden selection (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006414: [General] bmd-1 atgm reload is completely broken (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0001665: [General] Замените перекрестие у мониторов-прицелов танков и бмп AFRF. (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002082: [General] Invalid day-channel grid of Sosna-U sight (T-72B3) + add TPD-K1 day scope to t-72b3 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0002114: [General] invalid grid of night scope of commander t-80u TKN-4 + invalid grid of night scope of commander t-80u TPN-4 (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006402: [General] 6Sh122 stringtables (Soul_Assassin) - resolved.
- 0006399: [General] BMP-3 Vesna stringtables (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0005588: [General] Неверное изменение кратности у прицела 1Г46 (и других) Incorrect change in the magnitude of the sight 1G46 (and others) (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006362: [General] new m88 models has low lod hands (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006369: [General] 9M79-1-K Clusters not spreading out? (reyhard) - resolved.
- 0006359: [General] Bug with D30 (rhs_D30_msv) and GAZ-66 ZU-23-2 (reyhard) - resolved.

[43 issues]

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