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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006043USAFGeneralpublic2020-11-28 06:252020-11-30 20:35
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.5.5 
Summary0006043: M1A2 SEP v.1 (TUSK I & II) cannot equip M829A4 sabot rounds. M1 series can't load more than 8 chemical energy and APERS rounds
DescriptionProblem 1: When you place any M1A2 vehicle in editor you cannot select M829A4 sabot ammunition. However, if you place the same vehicle during a mission through Zeus you have the option to select it.
(Fix: Enable M1A2's access to M829A4 in editor).

Problem 2: You're only able to load a maximum of 8 M830A1 & M830 HEAT, M1028 APERS and M1147 AMP ammunition each. This isn't realistic as there are no restrictions in the racks to specific ammunition natures you can carry.
(Fix: Remove ammunition nature restrictions for the ammunition racks).
Steps To ReproduceProblem 1:
-Enter editor.
-Place down M1A2 SEP v.1 and edit attributes.
-Scroll down to customization menu at the bottom to access ammunition.
-Exit attributes and place ZEUS enabled player.
-Play and insert M1A2 SEP v.1.
-Customize load-out and select M829A4

Problem 2:
-Enter editor.
-Place down M1A2 SEP v.1 and edit attributes.
-Scroll down to customization menu at the bottom to access ammunition.
-Take 13 M830, 13 M830A1 and 10 M1028
-Close, place playable character and play mission.
-Go into gunners seat and observe ammunition storage, it will only hold 8 rounds per nature.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version2.00
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2020-11-30 20:33

-Play and insert M1A2 SEP v.1.
-Customize load-out and select M829A4"
no idea what you mean - there is no such customization in vanilla game. You can try contacting author of mod which is adding such functionality
reyhard (administrator)
2020-11-30 20:35

fixed problem 2 though

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-11-28 06:25 AggonyMephisto New Issue
2020-11-30 20:33 reyhard Note Added: 0011332
2020-11-30 20:35 reyhard Note Added: 0011333
2020-11-30 20:35 reyhard Status new => resolved
2020-11-30 20:35 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.5.5
2020-11-30 20:35 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2020-11-30 20:35 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard

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