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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006575AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-12-12 21:542023-03-25 14:54
ReporterTU-95 Team 
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006575: Tweaks to make TU-95 more practical!
DescriptionHi there, the TU-95 is a brilliant model, but perhaps it can do with some more things to help it reach it's true potential. There are some practical issues with it:

- Wheel Break/Reverse Thrust - The plane is almost impossible to stop on normal runways as it won't slow down quick enough. Can a wheel break/drag parachute be added please? It would also help if it had a reverse option like the real plane.
- Please can you add a HUD to reflect modern variant?
- Illuminated Instrument Panel - at night it is hard to see instruments, other models have back lights that can be switched on/off - can it be done?
- Airbreak Light - Can you please add a light to show when this is on/off?
- ADDED 25/03/2023 -The firing of the missiles is currently done via the "Navigation Plotter" seat and this is inaccurate. Perhaps the controls could be moved to the "Weapons engineer" position.
- ADDED 25/03/2023 - Please could one of the seat positions have access to a camera to observe ground targets and confirm missile hits/misses?

We know it takes time, if you say "no we cannot" then we understand and thank you for your hard work all the same.

TU-95 Team
Steps To ReproduceFly the plane.
Additional InformationN/A
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?Yes
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version2.04
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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TU-95 Team (reporter)
2023-03-25 14:40

Hi I wonder if this will ever get a reply - or if this is the wrong place for suggestions - where can I put them please? Also requesting a Television Camera for one of the seats so that ground targets can be seen from the plane. Thanks.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-12-12 21:54 TU-95 Team New Issue
2021-12-13 09:13 TU-95 Team Description Updated View Revisions
2021-12-13 09:14 TU-95 Team Description Updated View Revisions
2021-12-14 10:26 TU-95 Team Severity feature => minor
2021-12-14 20:11 reyhard Severity minor => feature
2023-03-25 14:40 TU-95 Team Note Added: 0012315
2023-03-25 14:54 TU-95 Team Description Updated View Revisions

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