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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004502AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-08-25 14:532018-08-25 15:37
Assigned Toreyhard 
PrioritynoneSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0004502: Konkurs on BMD (and similar type) AI behaviour
DescriptionIf you force ai into Konkurs on the BMD, he will not attack, but instead get out of the BMD and flee.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.84
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2018-08-25 15:07

and how are you doing that?
7ftnick (reporter)
2018-08-25 15:09

via moveinturret
reyhard (administrator)
2018-08-25 15:23

did you tried locking turret/ assign AI to turet?
7ftnick (reporter)
2018-08-25 15:37

tnkC action ['TurnOut', tnk];
tnkC action ['moveToTurret', tnk, [0,0]];
tnk lockTurret [[0], true];tnkC assignAsTurret [tnk, [0,0] ]; tnk lockTurret [[0,0], true]; tnkC setBehaviour "combat";
//tnkC - gunner BMD
//tnk - bmd

This is the code I used just now. Same as before. If target in plain sight, he fires one off, but then jups out and runs. Does not do it with NSVT on a tank.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-08-25 14:53 7ftnick New Issue
2018-08-25 15:07 reyhard Note Added: 0008357
2018-08-25 15:07 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2018-08-25 15:07 reyhard Status new => feedback
2018-08-25 15:09 7ftnick Note Added: 0008358
2018-08-25 15:09 7ftnick Status feedback => new
2018-08-25 15:23 reyhard Note Added: 0008359
2018-08-25 15:23 reyhard Status new => feedback
2018-08-25 15:37 7ftnick Note Added: 0008360
2018-08-25 15:37 7ftnick Status feedback => new

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