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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000069USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-12-17 18:522015-01-03 00:08
ReporterKing Homer 
Assigned ToMistyRonin 
StatusresolvedResolutionwon't fix 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.3.0 
Target Version0.3.5Fixed in Version0.3.5 
Summary0000069: Abrams ammunition loadout
DescriptionSo this is not really an issue, at least not for everyone but it has been bugging me since the release.
I am aware that this is still WIP but anyway I was wondering if the Abrams loadout could be changed to 40 (42) shells in total - for the playability.

I am aware there might me differences in combat ready loadouts, especially because the ammorack in the back of the turret only holds 27 shells but since this is still a game and nobody wants to reload every 15 minutes I'd appreciate it if the loadout of all Abrams series tanks could look like this:

25 M829A3
15 M830A1
27 M829A3
15 M830A1

I'd really appreciate if if you could give me a little insight how and why the A1 models use the older M829A1 shells - is this because they should represent some kind of ODS models? This feels kinda weird since all the AIM models started with the year 2000? Shouldn't the shells at least be M829A2?

Maybe the older rounds can be somehow optional and added by the missionmaker, if he wants to represent a certain era or year in his mission.

Long story short:
- max out Abrams ammo storage
- remove all shells probably removed from active duty
- replace with latest available shells
- if possible add more variety like M1028 cannister

Thanks for the attention
King Homer
ex-ACE2 dev
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King Homer (reporter)
2014-12-18 12:27

Regarding the maximum loadout:

Common sources state the M1A1 has a maximum of 40 rounds and the M1A2 a max of 42 rounds. Maximum is not combat loadout AND not combat ready loadout but for enjoyable gaming it would be appreciated.
vlad_8011 (viewer)
2014-12-18 12:38

Enjoyable gaming? Man, this mod is focused on reality, look for other mods for this. Eventualy there can be loadout editor option like "arsenal" when near the ammo box (virtual). T-72 have no zooming option in sights beacuse its like that in real, abrams have this amount of ammo beacuse that is realistic and thats it
King Homer (reporter)
2014-12-18 13:24

Excuse me but there is no need to be this offensive. We still can stay within the scope of realism by increasing the loadout of any tank to the maximum possible. These are no fictional numbers and frankly I can say I know what I'm talking about. I've been working as ACE2 dev for Arma2 and was responsible for the complete vehicle overhaul. So please do not depict me as some kind of fool.
vlad_8011 (viewer)
2014-12-18 14:50

I dont think you are fool. I just say that increasing ammount of ammo isnt good idea and is good as it is now. Custom loadouts is good idea but not increasing present ones. They can add carnister shell and i think it will be in update (WIP). I played my custom campaign and passed whole missions and got 4 APFSDS and 1 HEAT left. If currently ammo is too less for you you can create ammo truck somwhere on map. I think ammo truck or just truck of american army is bigger priority beacuse HEMT (or something?) is just too much futurealistic for this. There also is no Ammo trucks and repair trucks for Russian Army.
MistyRonin (administrator)
2014-12-18 16:41

In the next patch there's gonna be a different load out for the Abrams tanks, but obviously it's based in real life ones.

Our main tank researcher and some devs are looking into some additional changes that may be included at some point in the long term future.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-12-17 18:52 King Homer New Issue
2014-12-18 12:27 King Homer Note Added: 0000150
2014-12-18 12:38 vlad_8011 Note Added: 0000151
2014-12-18 13:24 King Homer Note Added: 0000152
2014-12-18 14:50 vlad_8011 Note Added: 0000154
2014-12-18 16:38 MistyRonin Priority low => none
2014-12-18 16:38 MistyRonin Severity tweak => feature
2014-12-18 16:41 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000157
2014-12-18 16:41 MistyRonin Status new => resolved
2014-12-18 16:41 MistyRonin Fixed in Version => 0.3.5
2014-12-18 16:41 MistyRonin Resolution open => won't fix
2014-12-18 16:41 MistyRonin Assigned To => MistyRonin
2015-01-03 00:08 Soul_Assassin Product Version => 0.3.0
2015-01-03 00:08 Soul_Assassin Target Version => 0.3.5

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