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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006817USAFGeneralpublic2023-04-12 12:312023-04-12 12:36
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0006817: USAF Uniforms and Gear is too bright for Arma engine on maps forest terrains
DescriptionUniforms: G3 M81 and G3 Ranger Green has bright boots and texture of the uniform could be dimmed.
Gear: MBAV, SPC, Plateframe is very bright as well, in comparisons to AFRF 6B45 it is easy to be spotted by naked eye. Darken them or make Ranger green repaint.
Eagle-A III backpack must have Ranger Green variant just like Falcon-II
Additional InformationJust look at how right Woodland texture on your vehicles looks (M1025 for example) it's dark, does not reflect much light, harder to be seen by naked eye.
TagsCamouflage, gear, inventory, LOD, retexture, SPC, uniform, uniforms, usaf
Is it a wish/request?Yes
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version2.12
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?RHSUSAF
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-  Notes
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-04-12 12:31 metanol New Issue
2023-04-12 12:33 metanol Tag Attached: gear
2023-04-12 12:33 metanol Tag Attached: inventory
2023-04-12 12:33 metanol Tag Attached: LOD
2023-04-12 12:34 metanol Tag Attached: retexture
2023-04-12 12:34 metanol Tag Attached: SPC
2023-04-12 12:34 metanol Tag Attached: uniforms
2023-04-12 12:34 metanol Tag Attached: usaf
2023-04-12 12:35 metanol Tag Attached: Camouflage
2023-04-12 12:36 metanol Tag Attached: uniform

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