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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006770Server[All Projects] Generalpublic2022-11-12 14:342022-11-13 10:00
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0006770: I tried to run the server for antistasi and this error happened
DescriptionWhen i try join the mission i get this error file no entry bin config.bin/cfgpatches.rhs_c_pts
Steps To ReproduceJust try get in the mission
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2022-11-12 15:46

You are missing some files on server most likely
Zloobex (reporter)
2022-11-12 16:46

there is no files missing
reyhard (administrator)
2022-11-12 18:02

according to error that you have, there are. You can share full .rpt from server and client and I could probably tell you more
Zloobex (reporter)
2022-11-12 21:18

Let me get it
Zloobex (reporter)
2022-11-12 21:31

Also i set my server to use equal mod required and it dosent seem to work even tho i copied the mods straight from my folder

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-11-12 14:34 Zloobex New Issue
2022-11-12 15:46 reyhard Note Added: 0012263
2022-11-12 15:46 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2022-11-12 15:46 reyhard Status new => feedback
2022-11-12 16:46 Zloobex Note Added: 0012264
2022-11-12 16:46 Zloobex Status feedback => new
2022-11-12 18:02 reyhard Note Added: 0012265
2022-11-12 18:02 reyhard Status new => feedback
2022-11-12 21:18 Zloobex Note Added: 0012266
2022-11-12 21:18 Zloobex Status feedback => new
2022-11-12 21:31 Zloobex Note Added: 0012267
2022-11-13 10:00 reyhard Status new => feedback

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