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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006654USAFGeneralpublic2022-03-27 23:452022-03-28 20:04
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.5.7 
Summary0006654: PEQs on HK416s sink into rails for AI units (player now good)
DescriptionThe fix for the PEQs on the 416s worked, but now PEQ-15 and PEQ-16a sink into the rail on AI units. Player will see the PEQ correctly. When you switch into the other AI units in-mission, PEQs will then display correctly for the rest of the mission. It seems the issue is that when the non-player unit inits, the script to place the PEQ correctly isn't firing.
Steps To ReproducePut a player unit and a playable unit in the editor with 416s. Add PEQs to unit weapons. Play mission. Player unit will display correctly, AI unit will not. Switch to AI unit, and now PEQ is displaying correctly.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionDevelopment
Arma 3 versiondevbranch
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2022-03-28 07:34

Are you using it on non RHS units?
gatordev (reporter)
2022-03-28 13:52

Negative. This is with default RHS Army infantry or SOCOM Rifleman units. It also happens with RHS USMC M27 Riflemen (with a M27). The only change I made to the units was adding a 416 to the Army guys and adding a top PEQ if the unit didn't have one.
reyhard (administrator)
2022-03-28 13:52
edited on: 2022-03-28 13:54

are you using some other mods? Can you try it on regular US Army soldier?

gatordev (reporter)
2022-03-28 13:59
edited on: 2022-03-28 14:00

I triple checked just now to make sure I wasn't missing something. The only thing I had loaded was RHS DEV. I don't even have CBA running. Just RHS DEV.

EDIT: I'll try on a regular unit shortly.

reyhard (administrator)
2022-03-28 14:16

ah, well, I think it might be general problem then - not just with 416.
gatordev (reporter)
2022-03-28 14:17

Some additional info...

I hadn't run through each color of PEQ until now, so it seems the PEQ-15 (Black) does not adjust to the rail on AI at all, even after switching to the AI unit as player. So:

**Top PEQ-15 Black: Works on player, will NOT adjust to rail ever on AI.
Top PEQ-15: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit
Top PEQ-16A: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit
PEQ-15 w/ WMX: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit
PEQ-15 w/ WMX Black: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit
PEQ-15 w/ 952: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit
PEQ-15 w/ 952 Black: Works on player, will adjust to rail after player switches to unit

I just tested this with a NATO vanilla Rifleman, so the issue is happening on both RHS and non-RHS units. Weapon is a RHS 416 with RHS PEQs. The only addon loaded is RHS DEV.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-03-27 23:45 gatordev New Issue
2022-03-27 23:46 gatordev Summary PEQs on HK416s sink into rails for AI units => PEQs on HK416s sink into rails for AI units (player now good)
2022-03-28 07:34 reyhard Note Added: 0012115
2022-03-28 07:34 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2022-03-28 07:34 reyhard Status new => feedback
2022-03-28 13:52 gatordev Note Added: 0012116
2022-03-28 13:52 gatordev Status feedback => new
2022-03-28 13:52 reyhard Note Added: 0012117
2022-03-28 13:52 reyhard Status new => feedback
2022-03-28 13:54 reyhard Note Edited: 0012117 View Revisions
2022-03-28 13:59 gatordev Note Added: 0012118
2022-03-28 13:59 gatordev Status feedback => new
2022-03-28 14:00 gatordev Note Edited: 0012118 View Revisions
2022-03-28 14:16 reyhard Note Added: 0012119
2022-03-28 14:17 gatordev Note Added: 0012120
2022-03-28 20:04 reyhard Status new => resolved
2022-03-28 20:04 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.5.7
2022-03-28 20:04 reyhard Resolution open => fixed

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