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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005162USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-07-30 05:412019-07-30 09:41
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.4.9 
Summary0005162: Повреждение M1A1 USMC. ACE Interaction
DescriptionПри повреждении двигателя любого M1A1 из вкладки КМП США у него не идет дым. При подключенном CBA+ACE нет возможности починки любых модулей. У танков из ветки US Army все работает в порядке.
Additional Informationhttps://youtu.be/g6FeawC2mBw [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version1.90
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
Attached Files

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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2019-07-30 08:32

Could you try without Ace?
nevalashkarus (reporter)
2019-07-30 09:22

@reyhard I tried it on stable and dev version of rhs. Same situation.
nevalashkarus (reporter)
2019-07-30 09:25

It's actual for these tanks

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-07-30 05:41 nevalashkarus New Issue
2019-07-30 08:32 reyhard Note Added: 0009666
2019-07-30 08:32 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2019-07-30 08:32 reyhard Status new => feedback
2019-07-30 09:22 nevalashkarus Note Added: 0009668
2019-07-30 09:22 nevalashkarus Status feedback => new
2019-07-30 09:25 nevalashkarus Note Added: 0009669
2019-07-30 09:41 reyhard Status new => resolved
2019-07-30 09:41 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.4.9
2019-07-30 09:41 reyhard Resolution open => fixed

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