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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003792AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-11-17 14:382017-11-25 16:23
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.4.5 
Summary0003792: Dynamic object distance allow to see vehicles behind objects with "terrain" variant selected
DescriptionMaybe there should only be variant "objects draw distance".
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?Yes
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.76
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?Yes
Which mods?RHSUSAF
Attached Filesjpg file icon 20171117163452_1.jpg [^] (571,378 bytes) 2017-11-17 14:38
jpg file icon 20171117163456_1.jpg [^] (613,785 bytes) 2017-11-17 14:38

- Relationships

-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2017-11-17 14:49

can you restart game and see if it's still present?
MADBUG (reporter)
2017-11-17 14:58
edited on: 2017-11-17 15:01

I don't realy know how it was intended to work.
What i found out that it starts to work as shown on pics only after i open rhs options
EDIT: And stays in that condition until mission is restarted

reyhard (administrator)
2017-11-17 17:02

so it's working as long as you don't interact with rhs options menu?
MADBUG (reporter)
2017-11-17 17:23

As i say i didn't fully know how it should work in first place but yes, as soon as i open rhs options after mission already loaded vehicle appears.
Preselcting "terrain" option in previous missions or somewhere else does not triggering this bug. I still need to open rhs options every new mission start/restart.
Also i found out that if difference between object draw distance and distance to vehicle (distance to vehicle > object draw distance) is less than ~400m vehicle still be visible even with "by object draw distance" option selected.
reyhard (administrator)
2017-11-17 21:24

ahh, now I see. Seeing vehicles within terrain view distance is by design - it should help CAS pilots to properly utilize their weapons within limited view distance that arma offer
MADBUG (reporter)
2017-11-17 21:43
edited on: 2017-11-17 21:46

I saw that ticket about using su-25. I didn't say anything about by object draw distance case but "terrain" variant allow other players to see enemy vehicle far beyond object draw distance and also behind other obstacles. Yes, they cannot properly attack those how stand behind cover but someone in vehicle with camera (eg mh-6m) could do reconnaissance from which you can not hide. Because of that i sad that maybe only by object draw distance should be left.

reyhard (administrator)
2017-11-18 08:45

hm, weird, it should obey obstacles in such case. I will check that later again
MADBUG (reporter)
2017-11-18 09:28

Short video of that bug + showing that even AI can see those vehicles + somewhat normal moving of target diamond
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4SEGuzP9gE [^]

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-11-17 14:38 MADBUG New Issue
2017-11-17 14:38 MADBUG File Added: 20171117163452_1.jpg
2017-11-17 14:38 MADBUG File Added: 20171117163456_1.jpg
2017-11-17 14:45 MADBUG Did you used any other mod when the error occurred? No => Yes
2017-11-17 14:45 MADBUG Which mods? => RHSUSAF
2017-11-17 14:49 reyhard Note Added: 0007044
2017-11-17 14:49 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2017-11-17 14:49 reyhard Status new => feedback
2017-11-17 14:58 MADBUG Note Added: 0007045
2017-11-17 14:58 MADBUG Status feedback => new
2017-11-17 15:01 MADBUG Note Edited: 0007045 View Revisions
2017-11-17 17:02 reyhard Note Added: 0007046
2017-11-17 17:02 reyhard Status new => feedback
2017-11-17 17:23 MADBUG Note Added: 0007047
2017-11-17 17:23 MADBUG Status feedback => new
2017-11-17 21:24 reyhard Note Added: 0007049
2017-11-17 21:24 reyhard Status new => closed
2017-11-17 21:24 reyhard Resolution open => no change required
2017-11-17 21:43 MADBUG Note Added: 0007050
2017-11-17 21:46 MADBUG Note Edited: 0007050 View Revisions
2017-11-18 08:45 reyhard Note Added: 0007053
2017-11-18 09:06 reyhard Status closed => new
2017-11-18 09:06 reyhard Resolution no change required => reopened
2017-11-18 09:28 MADBUG Note Added: 0007054
2017-11-24 13:15 reyhard Status new => assigned
2017-11-25 16:23 reyhard Status assigned => resolved
2017-11-25 16:23 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.4.5
2017-11-25 16:23 reyhard Resolution reopened => fixed

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