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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003503USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-09-25 23:392017-09-25 23:39
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Summary0003503: Add selected charge and elevation in mills to howitzers/mortars
DescriptionThis would be similar to ACE 3's MK6 Mortar module's UI elements - it displays the selected propellant charge near the usual ammo display in the upper-right corner (i.e. "close/medium/far" ranges you see in the Artillery Computer,) which allows manual use of the weapon even with the artillery computer disabled via scripting. ACE allows cycling propellant charges with the F key, and this works with RHS assets, but without the UI indicator it's a pain.

The guns also display elevation in degrees, which is awkward because most armies (even the US) now set elevation in mills. Adding a UI output to display set elevation in mills would be great.

These two UI tweaks would make the howitzers perfectly usable without the artillery computer; the community can (and has) cooked up manual tables/spreadsheets/calculators for manual ranging and gunlaying. This'd answer many open feature requests pertaining to howitzers with the least effort required!
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Is it a wish/request?Yes
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Arma 3 version1.76
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-09-25 23:39 demetrious New Issue

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