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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000035USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-11-26 21:372015-01-03 00:17
Assigned ToMistyRonin 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.3.0 
Target Version0.3.5Fixed in Version0.3.5 
Summary0000035: Turret in commander seat
DescriptionThe turret of commander seat on many differents tanks are totally glitch when we turn the camera in the commander seat the turret stay on his first positions same when we expose our head and try to turn the turret this is still doesn't work ...
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MistyRonin (administrator)
2014-11-26 21:58

I'm not sure of what you mean, would you mind extending a bit the description.
MistyRonin (administrator)
2014-11-26 22:45

I think you mean that in the Russian tanks the commander is unable to use the HMG? It's not implemented yet due to the complications to simulate real life design.
KiZeMad (reporter)
2014-11-27 17:09

on this 2 images the turret is turn on theb front of the tank (inside and outside)
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/48/1417102580-2014-11-27-00001.jpg [^]
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/48/1417102587-2014-11-27-00002.jpg [^]

On this image i turn the turret at the back of the tank with the camera.
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/48/1417102592-2014-11-27-00003.jpg [^]

And on this image you can see the outside of the tank with the camera at the back of the tank as you can see the turret don't move and stay blocked on the front of the tank.
http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2014/48/1417102597-2014-11-27-00004.jpg [^]

It's this bug i want to show you (this bug is on sep1,t72 i think ... [many differents tanks])

I hope you understand what i say (because i don't have a vey good english ^^)
Damian (reporter)
2014-11-27 18:58


As far as I understand, you aks why commander view turns and the turret or comamnder cupola does not turns.

In M1A2SEP commander when he is inside of vehicle with hatch closed, uses CITV (Commander Independent Thermal Viewer) which is his panoramic sight. His cupola is not powered and does not rotate (which will be properly modelled in next mod version released for the public), also machine gun in his cupola can't be fired when commander is isnide with hatch closed (which is the opposite of the powered cupola used on M1A1 which have remotely controlled machine gun).

This means that when you use M1A2SEP, and you are inside as a commander with hatch closed, you will use CITV to observer surrounding terrain, find, identify and designate targets. When you open the hatch and expose your upper torso, you gain control over commander machine gun, simple as that.

Same happens with many other tanks, for example T-72 series have a rotating cupola with optics, but the machine gun mounted to the cupola is only manually operated, which means you can't use machine gun. Our team is working on implementing capability to use this machine gun, but for the current public release of the mod, using it is immposible.

Many other tanks have powered cupolas with remotely controlled machine guns, which means these machine guns can be used when commander is inside vehicle with hatch closed, but can't be used when commander opens hatch and expose his body, as cupola and machine gun control are inside.
Damian (reporter)
2014-11-27 19:00

And by the way KiZeMad, there is no glitch on your screenshots, everything is working as intended. I suggest you should read more about modern tanks.

Because I see on these screenshots that CITV rotates on the outside view just like in the inside view, and commander cupola is not, so everything is just like in reality.
MistyRonin (administrator)
2014-11-27 21:17

KiZeMad, has Damian solved what you meant?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-11-26 21:37 KiZeMad New Issue
2014-11-26 21:58 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000050
2014-11-26 22:45 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000054
2014-11-26 22:45 MistyRonin Assigned To => MistyRonin
2014-11-26 22:45 MistyRonin Status new => feedback
2014-11-26 22:46 MistyRonin Priority high => low
2014-11-26 22:46 MistyRonin Severity major => feature
2014-11-27 17:09 KiZeMad Note Added: 0000060
2014-11-27 17:09 KiZeMad Status feedback => assigned
2014-11-27 18:58 Damian Note Added: 0000061
2014-11-27 19:00 Damian Note Added: 0000062
2014-11-27 21:17 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000064
2014-11-27 21:17 MistyRonin Status assigned => feedback
2015-01-03 00:00 Soul_Assassin Status feedback => resolved
2015-01-03 00:00 Soul_Assassin Fixed in Version => 0.3.5
2015-01-03 00:00 Soul_Assassin Resolution open => fixed
2015-01-03 00:17 Soul_Assassin Product Version => 0.3.0
2015-01-03 00:17 Soul_Assassin Target Version => 0.3.5

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