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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003497USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-09-17 15:552017-10-26 11:26
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.4.3 
Summary0003497: M1 Abrams FCS not zeroing at the right distance
DescriptionJust like every one did, lase the target, wait till the gun ready, aim, fire.
But the round simply fly high or low a few mil and sometimes to the right or left, mostly keeping at 2-3 mil.

Did some testing offline, nothing, but every time i go on a operation on my team's server the gun will refuse to zero in the right distance.
The number down bottom is write, my aim is true, no lead or anything. bam, miss.
Steps To Reproduce"T"
wait for the little box to pop up next to the range
Additional InformationOnly happens when in online server
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.76
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?Yes
Which mods?ACE, CBA, SMA
Attached Files

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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2017-09-18 12:16

how many players? what OS have dedicated server? did you tried to check for some mod conflicts? when did it started to happen?
yanyatcheng (reporter)
2017-09-20 16:21

when above 1 it will happen, never tested, but it will happen when there's like 4-10 in the server but when i go in alone the round hits bullseye.
for mod conflicts we have a mod team so i don't think there's any conflicts, ACE/CBA error never pop up.
It started more than half a year.
yanyatcheng (reporter)
2017-10-26 11:25
edited on: 2017-10-26 11:26

Sorry, but it happened again today, never touched the gun after RHS update in the same condition but it seems alright after your update.
But in today's driver training with my teammate, it missed every target by high left or low for ~1m
here's my video that was taken 26-10-2017
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jth42aG8kkA&feature=youtu.be [^]

already changed by ACE zeroing to "tab","T" for RHS.
I told my teammate to get on the gun and try without letting the engine shut down or whatever, he got 3 good hit in 3 shot and told me he got no problem zeroing the gun.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-09-17 15:55 yanyatcheng New Issue
2017-09-18 12:16 reyhard Note Added: 0006513
2017-09-18 12:16 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2017-09-18 12:16 reyhard Status new => feedback
2017-09-20 16:21 yanyatcheng Note Added: 0006514
2017-09-20 16:21 yanyatcheng Status feedback => new
2017-09-25 19:21 reyhard Status new => resolved
2017-09-25 19:21 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.4.3
2017-09-25 19:21 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2017-10-26 11:25 yanyatcheng Note Added: 0006884
2017-10-26 11:26 yanyatcheng Note Edited: 0006884 View Revisions

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