RHS Feedback

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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000257AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-02-06 22:582016-12-10 16:08
Assigned ToMistyRonin 
PlatformOSwin7OS Version64
Product Version0.3.5 
Target Version0.3.8Fixed in Version0.4.2 
Summary0000257: Multiplayer Statistics don't work for certain types of vehicles.
DescriptionDuring multiplayer game player is not awarded points for destroing certain types of vehicles. The feature is crucial in gamemodes where player is awarded points or credits for destroing enemy assets ie. CTI or BECTI.
Steps To ReproduceCreate multiplayer mission with RHS vehicles and try to destroy them one after another using different launchers or missiles. You'll spot that there are some combinations like M136 (HEAT) against BTR-60/BTR-70 or RPG26 against M1025M2/M1025Mk19/M109A6 that yields no results in Multiplayer Statistics.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.40
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
Attached Files? file icon ScoreTestRHS.Stratis.pbo [^] (4,127 bytes) 2015-06-28 20:37

- Relationships

-  Notes
MistyRonin (administrator)
2015-02-08 03:54

Are you using any other mod? AGM to be specific.
vsm (reporter)
2015-02-08 13:32

No, I've checked this only with RHS:Escalation and Extended Armour option both disabled and enabled. I believe the problem is not limited to examples I made above and may apply to other weapon/vehicles combinations as well.
reyhard (administrator)
2015-02-08 14:52

it's connected too missile penetrators. I will try to investigate possibilities to handle score properly but no promises
Andy (reporter)
2015-06-28 20:41

Can you fix this bug in next version mod?

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-02-06 22:58 vsm New Issue
2015-02-08 03:54 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000677
2015-02-08 03:54 MistyRonin Assigned To => MistyRonin
2015-02-08 03:54 MistyRonin Status new => feedback
2015-02-08 13:32 vsm Note Added: 0000678
2015-02-08 13:32 vsm Status feedback => assigned
2015-02-08 14:52 reyhard Note Added: 0000679
2015-02-09 01:17 MistyRonin Status assigned => confirmed
2015-02-09 01:17 MistyRonin Target Version => 0.3.6
2015-02-27 22:37 MistyRonin Target Version 0.3.6 => 0.3.7
2015-04-18 14:53 MistyRonin Is it a wish/request? => No
2015-04-18 14:53 MistyRonin Arma 3 version => 1.40
2015-04-18 14:53 MistyRonin Did you used any other mod when the error occurred? => No
2015-04-18 14:53 MistyRonin Target Version 0.3.7 => 0.3.8
2015-06-28 20:37 Andy File Added: ScoreTestRHS.Stratis.pbo
2015-06-28 20:41 Andy Note Added: 0001707
2016-12-10 16:08 reyhard Status confirmed => resolved
2016-12-10 16:08 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.4.2
2016-12-10 16:08 reyhard Resolution open => fixed

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