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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001868USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2016-02-17 15:232016-02-17 15:59
Assigned ToBakerman 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.4.1 
Summary0001868: Weapons with suppressors deal less damage than weapons with suppressors
DescriptionPulled from the config present in "rhsusf_c_weapons.pbo":

class rhsusf_silencer_base : muzzle_snds_H {
        dlc = RHS_USAF;
        scope = private;
        displayName = $STR_RHSUSF_ACC_M2010S;
        picture = "\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_weapons\gear_acc\rhs_rotex5_grey_icon_ca.paa";
        model = "\rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_weapons\acc\silencers\M2010\M2010silencer";
        class ItemInfo : InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F {
            mass = 7;
            class MagazineCoef {
                initSpeed = 1;
            class AmmoCoef {
                hit = 0.8;
                visibleFire = 0.2;
                audibleFire = 0.4;
                visibleFireTime = 0.5;
                audibleFireTime = 1.0;
                cost = 1.0;
                typicalSpeed = 0.8;
                airFriction = 1.0;

Important bit here is that the value "hit" is set to 0.8, which means the weapons damage is set to 80% whenever a suppressor is attached. This should be set to 1. A highly similar ticket was raised years ago over on Bohemia's feedback tracker, where they eventually set the value to 1. See this link (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=6302#c57721 [^]) for an explanation as to why. This value is set incorrectly both in RHS: AFRF and RHS: USAF.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.54
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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-  Notes
Bakerman (viewer)
2016-02-17 15:59

Nice find, thank you.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-02-17 15:23 Shock New Issue
2016-02-17 15:59 Bakerman Note Added: 0003811
2016-02-17 15:59 Bakerman Status new => resolved
2016-02-17 15:59 Bakerman Fixed in Version => 0.4.1
2016-02-17 15:59 Bakerman Resolution open => fixed
2016-02-17 15:59 Bakerman Assigned To => Bakerman

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