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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000161USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-01-17 17:172015-01-21 12:27
Assigned ToMistyRonin 
PlatformPCOSWindowsOS Version8
Product Version0.3.5 
Target Version0.3.6Fixed in Version0.3.6 
Summary0000161: Abrams FCS Script Error
DescriptionThe following errors pop-up when using FCS in Abrams.

17:11:31 Error in expression <;
rhsusf_m1_range=parseNumber ctrlText _s;
publicVariable "rhsusf_m1_range";
17:11:31 Error position: <_s;
publicVariable "rhsusf_m1_range";
17:11:31 Error Undefined variable in expression: _s
17:11:31 File rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_m1a1\scripts\rhs_rf_m1_elev.sqf, line 34

17:11:31 Error in expression <e;
while{(rhsusf_m1_range == _t) AND _keepLead}do
17:11:31 Error position: <rhsusf_m1_range == _t) AND _keepLead}do
17:11:31 Error Undefined variable in expression: rhsusf_m1_range
17:11:31 File rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_m1a1\scripts\rhs_lead_m1.sqf, line 25

17:11:31 Error in expression <this select 0;
_p = _this select 1;
17:11:31 Error position: <rhsusf_m1_range;
17:11:31 Error Undefined variable in expression: rhsusf_m1_range
17:11:31 File rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_c_m1a1\scripts\rhs_lead_m1.sqf, line 18
Steps To ReproduceLase target [T] in an Abrams tank.
TagsNo tags attached.
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-  Notes
vlad_8011 (viewer)
2015-01-18 18:37

Do you use some mod? I have tried on all abrams models and cant reproduce ;)
Jonpas (reporter)
2015-01-18 19:27

@RHSAFRF and @RHSUSF only, always shows up.
Damian (reporter)
2015-01-18 22:44

Abrams FCS should still be considered as WIP.
Jonpas (reporter)
2015-01-19 00:02

Ah, good to know, thank you.
MistyRonin (administrator)
2015-01-19 00:07

What Damian said. :)
reyhard (administrator)
2015-01-19 09:19

error popup in devbranch version (or with debug param) but that doesn't mean, it doesn't exist. Was a typo on my side, should be already fixed in current beta

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-01-17 17:17 Jonpas New Issue
2015-01-18 18:37 vlad_8011 Note Added: 0000430
2015-01-18 19:27 Jonpas Note Added: 0000433
2015-01-18 22:44 Damian Note Added: 0000436
2015-01-19 00:02 Jonpas Note Added: 0000437
2015-01-19 00:07 MistyRonin Note Added: 0000440
2015-01-19 00:07 MistyRonin Assigned To => MistyRonin
2015-01-19 00:07 MistyRonin Status new => acknowledged
2015-01-19 09:19 reyhard Note Added: 0000448
2015-01-19 09:19 reyhard Status acknowledged => resolved
2015-01-19 09:19 reyhard Fixed in Version => BETA
2015-01-19 09:19 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2015-01-21 12:27 MistyRonin Product Version => 0.3.5
2015-01-21 12:27 MistyRonin Fixed in Version => 0.3.6
2015-01-21 12:27 MistyRonin Target Version => 0.3.6

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