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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000953USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-08-22 13:222015-09-14 01:38
Assigned ToBakerman 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.3.8 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.3.9 
Summary0000953: Change "Options" button colour to A3 colours.
DescriptionEasy tweak.

Could you please change the "RHS - GAME OPTIONS" button colour to use the Arma 3 colour scheme colour?

It doesn't match when you use a custom colour scheme, as seen in screenshot.
Steps To ReproduceTo activate a colour scheme:

- run A3, go to Configure->Game->Colors tab->Menu (in list)
- then choose a colour scheme like "Drab Olive",
which changes the background colour, but apparently the foreground colour usage is still not fixed by BIS.


You can see the "RHS - Game Options" button via the Console dialog.

- run A3, run mission in Editor
- open Console
- note button colour difference to rest of page.
Additional InformationThe code change is easy. It requires changing the button class from something like:
    colorBackground[] = {0.1, 0.83, 1, 0.8};
    colorBackground2[] = {0.1, 0.83, 1, 0.8};

to this:
    colorBackground[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',58/256])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',80/256])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',55/256])", 0.8};
    colorBackground2[] = {"(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_R',58/256])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_G',80/256])","(profilenamespace getvariable ['GUI_BCG_RGB_B',55/256])", 0.8};

You can make the defaults above (eg: 58/256) use whatever colours you had previously, just to be safe.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?Yes
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.48
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?Yes
Which mods?TacBF (not related to this though)
Attached Filesjpg file icon rhs_console_optbtn_color.jpg [^] (21,628 bytes) 2015-08-22 13:22

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-  Notes
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-08-22 13:22 Dr_Eyeball New Issue
2015-08-22 13:22 Dr_Eyeball File Added: rhs_console_optbtn_color.jpg
2015-08-22 14:16 MistyRonin Priority low => none
2015-08-22 14:16 MistyRonin Severity tweak => feature
2015-09-14 01:38 Bakerman Status new => resolved
2015-09-14 01:38 Bakerman Fixed in Version => 0.3.9
2015-09-14 01:38 Bakerman Resolution open => fixed
2015-09-14 01:38 Bakerman Assigned To => Bakerman

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