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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0006893AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2024-03-13 13:042024-03-13 13:58
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Summary0006893: RHS_Ka52_x and RHS_Mi28N_x pedals (pilot's legs) animations inverted
DescriptionA helicopter should turn "around" the pushed pedal, so if you push left pedal - a heli will turn left, symmetric for a right pedal. But animations of these RHS models doing opposite: pushes right pedal for left turn and vice versa.
Steps To Reproduce1. Get in any of RHS_Ka52_x or RHS_Mi28N_x helicopters as a pilot
2. Take off
3. Turn the heli aside and check pilot's legs animation
TagsAnimation, Cockpit, helicopter, Ka-52, Mi-28 Havoc
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version2.12
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-03-13 13:04 Free_ze New Issue
2024-03-13 13:05 Free_ze Tag Attached: Mi-28 Havoc
2024-03-13 13:05 Free_ze Tag Attached: Ka-52
2024-03-13 13:05 Free_ze Tag Attached: Animation
2024-03-13 13:08 Free_ze Tag Attached: Cockpit
2024-03-13 13:22 Free_ze Arma 3 version 2.10 => 2.12
2024-03-13 13:23 Free_ze Tag Attached: helicopter
2024-03-13 13:58 Free_ze Steps to Reproduce Updated View Revisions

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