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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005580USAFGeneralpublic2020-04-07 06:272020-04-10 20:22
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.5.1 
Summary0005580: CH-47 takes damage & is destroyed after floating on water more than a few minutes
DescriptionThe CH-47 will take engine damage if it floats on water for more than a few minutes. Additionally, the crew starts drowning at this time. The aircraft becomes destroyed shortly after taking the initial damage.

This is reproducible with AI and human pilots.

Online sources (e.g. http://www.chinook-helicopter.com/history/history.html [^]) claim that the airframe can float, even with engines off, for at least 30 minutes.
Steps To ReproduceLand a CH-47 on water in game and wait a few minutes (engines on or off). The engines will take damage until he aircraft is destroyed. The crew will disembark at this time.
Additional InformationI've tried writing code to prevent the CH-47 from taking water damage via a damage event handler. This worked, but the crew still drowned. I'm suspicious this could be related to the "leakiness" parameters or something similar.

If I figure out an exact config change to correct this I'll post up the results.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionStable
Arma 3 version1.96
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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-  Notes
Fat_Lurch (reporter)
2020-04-08 05:53
edited on: 2020-04-08 05:53

In testing the aircraft seems to become destroyed around 3 minutes 40 seconds after touching down in the water, repeatably.

Fat_Lurch (reporter)
2020-04-08 06:17

Setting waterLeakiness to 0 instead of 0.08 (current value) seems to fix this issue.
reyhard (administrator)
2020-04-10 20:21

change it to
waterLeakiness = 0.02;
with 16x acceleration of time I was able to stay afloat for 0000025:0000032 minutes

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-07 06:27 Fat_Lurch New Issue
2020-04-08 05:53 Fat_Lurch Note Added: 0010476
2020-04-08 05:53 Fat_Lurch Note Edited: 0010476 View Revisions
2020-04-08 06:17 Fat_Lurch Note Added: 0010477
2020-04-10 20:21 reyhard Note Added: 0010493
2020-04-10 20:21 reyhard Status new => resolved
2020-04-10 20:21 reyhard Fixed in Version => 0.5.1
2020-04-10 20:21 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2020-04-10 20:21 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard

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