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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005476PKL[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-01-26 00:252020-01-26 01:14
ReporterBob Murphy 
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PlatformOSOS Version
Summary0005476: Outdated and missing names/keypoints on RHSPKL
DescriptionThe map has 2 keypoints which is implying the locations of strongholds on the map where are no strongholds.

3 FOBs have no designated names/keypoints.

These outdated keypoints can be a problem for certain missions as the keypoints as well as the keypoint types can being utilized to automatically detect certain areas to for example garrison them.

Please find pictures containing further information in the form of screenshots behind the following link:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1xCwhp9IWFcFhnPYTHpC4Kw9gXkFUUtnz?usp=sharing [^]
Steps To ReproduceCan be seen in the Splendid config viewer in the Arma 3 Editor as well as in the pictures.
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-  Notes
Bob Murphy (reporter)
2020-01-26 01:14

The small fortified position(missing4) in the city of Men Cheah ChabTrei also could use a marker like the OP Pyle (DefaultKeyPoint3) has it.

As well as the slightly larger fortified position South-East of there (missing5).
You can find the additional pictures in the same Google Drive.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-01-26 00:25 Bob Murphy New Issue
2020-01-26 01:14 Bob Murphy Note Added: 0010231

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