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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004874AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2019-03-12 01:572019-03-18 17:58
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0004874: Stryker turret clipping
Descriptionthe M2's spade handle on the Stryker RWS will clip through the turret basket in the year if elevating the gun direction high enough. I have seen references of the M151 RWS able to elevate their gun that high so I don't exactly know a solution. It's trivial at best
Steps To Reproduce1. go into vehicle commander seat
2. Adjust turret to it's highest point of elevation
3. go into 3rd person view and see that the M2's spade handles are clipping into the turret basket.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS versionDevelopment
Arma 3 version1.90
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
Attached Filesjpg file icon ss+(2019-03-11+at+09.02.59).jpg [^] (183,621 bytes) 2019-03-12 01:57

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-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2019-03-12 09:03

Could you share those references please?
Hasu105 (reporter)
2019-03-12 15:35

Might have to eat my words. the only reference I had was the wrong turret.
A Sea Protector with specification for a range of elevation to -20* to 60*, And a Mk.19 configured to the M151. it shows it at it's highest elevation but it's no problem with Mk.19s having a much shorter body. Nevermind :( http://puu.sh/CYRXA/fdcce3ff4d.jpg [^]
Hasu105 (reporter)
2019-03-18 17:12
edited on: 2019-03-18 17:49

I just talked with someone who is currently stationed in Germany as part of the 2nd Cavalry Regiment, showed him the image. From what he says he can aim the RWS almost straight up so I was wrong about it having a limit of elevation, also noting that the butterfly handles on the M2 fit "snuggly" inside the ammo catch basket so he wonders if the basket is probably scaled too small or it's positioned too high. So I asked if he was willing to take a picture or video of the M151 w/ M2 .50 at it's highest elevation and he agreed to take one.
Image incoming soon hopefully :P

Hasu105 (reporter)
2019-03-18 17:48
edited on: 2019-03-18 17:58

After checking again and again from videos and images I have the feeling it's the basket. It's rather small compared to the IRL catch as the frame of it almost extends back to almost the same length of the back end of the M2 Browning's frame.

https://puu.sh/D1Om3/504877f4c7.jpg [^]

reyhard (administrator)
2019-03-18 17:56

@Hasu105 - thanks a lot - picture will be very helpful :)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-03-12 01:57 Hasu105 New Issue
2019-03-12 01:57 Hasu105 File Added: ss+(2019-03-11+at+09.02.59).jpg
2019-03-12 02:40 Hasu105 RHS version Stable => Development
2019-03-12 09:03 reyhard Note Added: 0009061
2019-03-12 09:03 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard
2019-03-12 09:03 reyhard Status new => feedback
2019-03-12 15:35 Hasu105 Note Added: 0009074
2019-03-12 15:35 Hasu105 Status feedback => new
2019-03-18 17:12 Hasu105 Note Added: 0009150
2019-03-18 17:15 Hasu105 Note Edited: 0009150 View Revisions
2019-03-18 17:48 Hasu105 Note Added: 0009151
2019-03-18 17:49 Hasu105 Note Edited: 0009150 View Revisions
2019-03-18 17:56 reyhard Note Added: 0009152
2019-03-18 17:56 reyhard Status new => feedback
2019-03-18 17:58 Hasu105 Note Edited: 0009151 View Revisions
2019-03-18 17:58 Hasu105 Note Edited: 0009151 View Revisions

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