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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004563USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-09-04 20:012024-04-18 21:58
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Summary0004563: Combat Helmet Statistics
DescriptionFirst of all this issue affects not only the RHS:USAF mod but also all other RHS mods (RHS:AFRF, RHS:GREF and RHS:SAF).

All modern Combat Helmets seem to have the same statistics such as ballistic protection, weight, etc...

For example the MICH Helmet has better ballistic protection than the PASGT (which it replaced within US Forces) in where the MICH can stop (direct) 9mm rounds while the PASGT can only defeat deflection 9mm shots at best. Here's the source:
https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/mich.htm [^]

The following can be read on the link above (about MICH):
"The ballistic helmet [MICH] provides 9mm (handgun) and fragmentation protection within the spectrum of environments (climatic, salt water, fresh water, POL, etc)."
"Until the MICH, there had never been a helmet designed to stop bullets. The MICH uses a different version of Kevlar combined with different bonding techniques to form a shell capable of halting a submachine gun's 9 mm round in addition to protecting against fragmentation. The PASGT Kevlar helmet only protects against fragmentation and at most can deflect bullets."

The MICH Helmet is also generally lighter than the PASGT.

However the in-game stats (RHS mod/helmets) shows the exact same stats for both the MICH and PASGT or PASGT locally produced variants such as the M97.

The same also happens with the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) and the Lightweight Helmet (LWH) which have improved ballistic protection and lighter weight compared to the previous MICH helmet (which they replaced):
http://www.operation-helmet.org/helmet/ [^]

But again the ACH and LWH have the same ballistic protection levels and weight as the MICH (and PASGT).

On the other hand older Combat Helmets such as the M1, M56 or SSh-68 have a similar ballistic protection compared to hats and caps - most of these helmets have only a tiny improvement on ballistic protection over hats and caps while the "M1 (Liner)" variant of the M1 Helmet has exactly the same ballistic protection level as hats or caps.
Steps To Reproduce1- Open Mission Editor.
2- Place a unit/soldier/man on the map.
3- Edit the unit/soldier/man loadout.
4- In the "Virtual Arsenal" select "Headgear" on the left tab
5- Look and compare the Helmet Statistics (Ballistic Protection, Explosive Resistance, Load and Weight) by selecting the helmets.
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Arma 3 version1.84
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-09-04 20:01 ricnunes New Issue

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