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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0004037AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-03-18 21:582018-03-18 22:25
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Summary0004037: Tanks Ai targeting ( update )
Descriptioni found out why in my prevous post the ai "overshoot" the targets. i was commadner ai was gunner .... i switched to gunner seat to use the thermals and engage some targets by myself ( aka lase the range and shoot them with frags ) then i swithced back and noticed there was an armored transport driving so i told my gunner to switch to heat ( btw unloading a guntube is possible and fast with ai ) and engage them and what i saw .... the round goes far off ... my guess is that the ai is targeting with the vanilla system but the range setting of the FCS didnt reset to zero so the ai overshoot it ... when the fcs isnt used and the ai fires with the cannon when there is ---- no range it hits like a dream ..... so a possible fix is to auto reset evrytime a player leaves or ai gets in gunner seat etc.
Steps To Reproduceplace targets first let the ai engage targets with no input of yourself then for example lase a range of 500 meter get in commandner and order to target a target somewhere farther etc .... ( but of course no atgm because these always hit so take heat or other ammo ) you will see that it wont hit then jump in back in gunner and lase something that the FCS reset ( if there is a button for this then i dont know . now the ai hits again.
Additional Informationi used a T90 A ... so maybe its only with the T 90A but i think its a generall problem
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Arma 3 version1.80
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-03-18 21:58 ALEHANDROV New Issue
2018-03-18 22:25 reyhard Severity major => minor

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