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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003406AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-07-18 01:252017-07-22 23:10
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Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0003406: After 1.70 Jets DLC Patch gunner and commander in RHS Abrams have no compass
DescriptionAfter 1.70 Jets DLC Patch gunner and commander in RHS Abrams have no compass or instrumentation that tells the direction of the gun. It is very hard then to lead a tank without specific instrumentation.
Steps To ReproduceJust check in editor with Abrams tanks.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.70
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?Yes
Which mods?CBA, Task Force Radio
Attached Files

- Relationships

-  Notes
Soul_Assassin (administrator)
2017-07-18 20:51

We'll take a look
Kartaviy (viewer)
2017-07-19 00:53

Нужно переносить turretInfoType новые. Принципе для себя я сделал так:
https://i.yapx.ru/NaMe.png [^]
https://i.yapx.ru/NaMf.png [^]

Тоже самое и на M2A3
Nemesi (reporter)
2017-07-19 14:18

That's very interesting Kartaviy. What's the name of turretInfoType you used or you created a new one? Can you detail more?
unhappytroll (reporter)
2017-07-21 17:03
edited on: 2017-07-21 17:29

btw, when u check config for M1A1 ingame, u can see that:
configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "rhsusf_m1a1aimwd_usarmy" >> "NewTurret" >> _"turrentInfoType"_
is it really turre_n_tinfotype?
and this mistype - if it is - go through all this mods I believe

disregard that - this is so even in vanilla Slammer config. looks like this is BI error

Kartaviy (viewer)
2017-07-22 23:10

I wrote a new typeInfo

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-07-18 01:25 Nemesi New Issue
2017-07-18 08:22 reyhard Severity major => minor
2017-07-18 20:51 Soul_Assassin Note Added: 0006399
2017-07-19 00:53 Kartaviy Note Added: 0006400
2017-07-19 14:18 Nemesi Note Added: 0006401
2017-07-21 17:03 unhappytroll Note Added: 0006402
2017-07-21 17:09 unhappytroll Note Edited: 0006402 View Revisions
2017-07-21 17:29 unhappytroll Note Edited: 0006402 View Revisions
2017-07-22 23:10 Kartaviy Note Added: 0006403

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