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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003269USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-05-10 09:132017-05-10 09:14
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Summary0003269: Zeus lightning bolt does not damage heavily armored vehicles
DescriptionThe various heavily armored units such as the M113A3, the M6A2, the M1A2, and the M109A6 artillery are immune to Zeus Lightning attacks. It is impossible to destroy them, and they do not even take a single point of damage.
Steps To ReproducePlace a heavily armored unit such as the M113A3, the M6A2, the M1A2, or the M109A6 artillery. Activate Game Master "Zeus" mode. Select Zeus Lightning bolt, and repeatedly strike the armored units with Zeus lightning. No matter how many times you strike them, they will not take any damage.
Additional InformationOther lightly or unarmored units explode and take damage as normal.
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Arma 3 version1.68
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-10 09:13 Anubis New Issue
2017-05-10 09:14 Anubis Description Updated View Revisions

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