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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003264AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-05-08 03:372017-05-08 03:39
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Summary0003264: Give AK's subsonic ammo less recoil than normal ammo?
DescriptionI've been reading info about subsonic rounds, they seem to follow the principle of less powerful powder loads coupled with heavier projectiles. The Vintorez/ASVal come to mind and they have this pleasant low recoil that's very cool to shoot.

I found 2 relevant videos:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HzMLvrF6u4 [^]

This isn't an AK, but if you look at 09:23 you'll see him firing a magazine loaded with 5 normal rounds plus 5 subsonic rounds in sequence. You can see the huge difference in recoil.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9enXrgya4lY [^]

These are AK's with normal and subsonic 7.62x39 rounds (although not exactly the russians 57-N-231 and 57-N-231U, but you get the idea). You can look at the recoil of normal rounds at 04:24 and compare to the recoil of the subsonic rounds at 06:47 and 08:47. Subsonic recoil is visibly smaller.

Now about the actual russian 57-N-231U round, it's not easy to find recoil info about it, but I really doubt this wouldn't be lower than the recoil of the normal supersonic round. I know you guys like to implement the small realistic details in this mod, imagine how cool it would be to run spec ops with low recoil silenced AK-47's and AK-74's!!

Thanks for the great mod anyway!!
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Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-08 03:37 PeaceSells New Issue
2017-05-08 03:39 PeaceSells Description Updated View Revisions

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