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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0003080USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2017-02-27 22:232017-03-02 19:48
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version0.4.2.2 
Summary0003080: M113 FFV Slots broken?
DescriptionThe FFV slots in the rear of the M113 are behaving strangely, you can no longer aim up or down, and you can rotate a full 360 degrees now causing you to get to a rotation point where you are looking inside the back of your head.

Additionally when entering one of these FFV slots in first person, you are forced into a zoomed in view which can only be sorted when toggling to third person and back to first again.
Steps To ReproducePlace M113 in the editor.
Get into the FFV slots via the rear of the vehicle, in first person.
Turn out.
Attempt to aim upwards, downwards and observer strange behavior when turning.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.64
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-02-27 22:23 -Ben- New Issue
2017-03-02 19:48 reyhard Status new => resolved
2017-03-02 19:48 reyhard Fixed in Version =>
2017-03-02 19:48 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2017-03-02 19:48 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard

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