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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0002630USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2016-08-31 11:322016-08-31 11:51
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Summary0002630: A-10 damage model flawed
There's some closely-related peculiarities with the A-10s damage model:

1. The canopy is very weak - you can easily shoot the pilot out of the cockpit with a handgun. The A-10's canopy should at least be resistant to small arms fire, in the way vanilla MRAP canopies are (the fire geometry is resistant, but can be damaged by sustained fire.)

2. The body of the aircraft is resistant to small arms fire, but .50 cal blows right through the cockpit and kills the pilot easily. The cockpit area's armoring (below the canopy, of course) should be able to stop "up to" 23mm shells. The rest of the aircraft is not so fortunate (which is accurate) but .50 caliber can easily be observed to punch right through the airframe. This isn't really problematic except for the consequences for the pilot; with the A-10s very generous general hit-point pool the pilot is far more likely to be blown out of his cockpit by a lucky shot than he is to have his plane damaged or destroyed by ground fire. Especially since most ground fire is received from directly ahead during gun-runs, and the pilot's body is almost as wide as the fuselage...

3. This may be related to an observed phenomena where the pilot is easily wounded by close explosions (enemy missiles, or even his own bombs) that fail to produce significant damage to the aircraft model (not enough to turn the "Hull" indicator from white to orange.) The pilot can be moderately or even seriously wounded by his own bombs even when said blasts fail to make the aircraft itself flinch.
Steps To Reproduce1. Enter the editor; place an A-10 with crew in front of you an a rifleman to one side. Play as the rifleman and shoot the pilot through the canopy with your sidearm.

2. As above, but place a Bunker (Tower) down and an HMG (with gunner) on the rear deck, at the runway on the Stratis map. Even without bullet tracing you can handily observe the .50 caliber rounds splashing in the water behind the aircraft as the rounds punch clean through.

3. Simply take off in an A-10 and drop bombs on a nearby ridgeline from low altitude while flying towards it at higher speed. Explosions of a certain power seem to punch through to the pilot much like .50 cal through the hull does.
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Arma 3 version1.62
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-  Notes
demetrious (reporter)
2016-08-31 11:51

One more thing - try this from the *side.* The nose of the aircraft seems well protected; the cockpit is impervious (!) to .50 caliber fired from directly ahead, and the forward canopy (the part that doesn't rise to admit the pilot) seems to be armored much better. This protection applies to the front of the nose only, you can still fire clean through the nose from the side. It seems the front of the nose and the whole front canopy are one FG with resistance up to .50 cal, and the rest of the plane, another. Fire from a very slight oblique angle (especially from range) finds the pilot pretty easily.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-08-31 11:32 demetrious New Issue
2016-08-31 11:51 demetrious Note Added: 0005288

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