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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001697USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2016-01-02 18:362016-01-04 17:10
Assigned Toreyhard 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001697: M113A3 M2 Ammo belt links
DescriptionOn M113A3 (Ammo) variant, empty belt links are not ejected directly from the ejection port.

On M113A3 (M2) variant, in first person view, there's no empty belt link ejection. While in third person view, empty belt link are not ejected directly from the ejection port.

US Army Desert:
M113A3 (Ammo) - rhsusf_m113d_usarmy_supply
M113A3 (M2) - rhsusf_m113d_usarmy

US Army Woodland:
M113A3 (Ammo) - rhsusf_m113_usarmy_supply
M113A3 (M2) - rhsusf_m113_usarmy

Steps To Reproduce1. Grab above mentioned APCs.
2. Get in as a commander.
3. Fire the M2.
4. Notice the issues mentioned above.
Additional Information@RHSUSAF (v0.4.0.1)
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.54
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?N/A
Attached Filesjpg file icon m113ammo1.jpg [^] (159,252 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:36

jpg file icon m113ammo2.jpg [^] (131,381 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:37

jpg file icon m113ammo3.jpg [^] (131,200 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:37

jpg file icon m113m2a.jpg [^] (165,455 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:38

jpg file icon m113m2b.jpg [^] (119,390 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:39

jpg file icon m113m2c.jpg [^] (118,956 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:39

jpg file icon m113m2d.jpg [^] (118,921 bytes) 2016-01-02 18:40

- Relationships

-  Notes
reyhard (administrator)
2016-01-04 17:10

"variant, in first person view, there's no empty belt link ejection." it's because how rendering of those particles works - we can't fix that

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-01-02 18:36 Matosh New Issue
2016-01-02 18:36 Matosh File Added: m113ammo1.jpg
2016-01-02 18:37 Matosh File Added: m113ammo2.jpg
2016-01-02 18:37 Matosh File Added: m113ammo3.jpg
2016-01-02 18:38 Matosh File Added: m113m2a.jpg
2016-01-02 18:39 Matosh File Added: m113m2b.jpg
2016-01-02 18:39 Matosh File Added: m113m2c.jpg
2016-01-02 18:40 Matosh File Added: m113m2d.jpg
2016-01-02 18:41 Matosh Which mods? N => N/A
2016-01-04 17:10 reyhard Note Added: 0003487
2016-01-04 17:10 reyhard Status new => resolved
2016-01-04 17:10 reyhard Resolution open => fixed
2016-01-04 17:10 reyhard Assigned To => reyhard

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