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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001348USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-11-07 12:172016-02-09 20:33
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Summary0001348: Helicopters's MFDs on pilot side swapped
DescriptionHelicopters using MFD display artificial horizon on the left side, and engine related information on the right (in front of pilot). Copilot side's layout is correct.
Steps To ReproduceDefault behaviour, is shared with a vanilla BiS helicopters from before A3.
Additional InformationIn real life MFD's can be setup the way they are in the addon, however it is hardly ever used this way. It is more optimal for the pilot to have his artificial horizon set of display in front of him.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?Yes
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.52
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
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Attached Filesjpg file icon S-70A (UH-60M)-4.jpg [^] (136,928 bytes) 2015-11-07 12:17

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-11-07 12:17 SamB New Issue
2015-11-07 12:17 SamB File Added: S-70A (UH-60M)-4.jpg
2016-02-09 20:33 MistyRonin Severity tweak => feature

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