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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0001051USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-09-15 13:392015-12-06 17:16
Assigned ToMistyRonin 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version0.3.9.1 
Target Version0.4Fixed in Version0.4 
Summary0001051: Humvee Snorkle Wrong Color
DescriptionWhen in virtual garage and spawn a humvee and put the cammo to woodland. The screen protecting the snorkle still is tan for desert. Stands out alot.
TagsNo tags attached.
Is it a wish/request?No
RHS version
Arma 3 version1.50
Did you used any other mod when the error occurred?No
Which mods?
Attached Files

- Relationships
has duplicate 0001100resolvedMistyRonin HMMWV Snorkel LOD 

-  Notes
sargken (reporter)
2015-09-16 23:17

Only Occurs in the in the virtual garage, spawning them in editor or zeus still works, right color scheme.
MistyRonin (administrator)
2015-09-17 06:00

SomeSangheili (reporter)
2015-10-05 12:45

I have a problem like this: in some of my missions, the woodland Humvees have tan snorkels, but when I get within 10 metres or closer the snorkels go woodland.
This only happens for the woodland M2 and unarmed varients.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-09-15 13:39 sargken New Issue
2015-09-16 23:17 sargken Note Added: 0002274
2015-09-17 06:00 MistyRonin Note Added: 0002285
2015-09-17 06:00 MistyRonin Assigned To => MistyRonin
2015-09-17 06:00 MistyRonin Status new => confirmed
2015-09-17 06:00 MistyRonin Product Version =>
2015-09-17 06:00 MistyRonin Target Version => 0.4
2015-09-17 07:00 MistyRonin Relationship added has duplicate 0001100
2015-10-05 12:45 SomeSangheili Note Added: 0002515
2015-12-06 17:16 Soul_Assassin Status confirmed => resolved
2015-12-06 17:16 Soul_Assassin Fixed in Version => 0.4
2015-12-06 17:16 Soul_Assassin Resolution open => fixed

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