RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0000941AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-08-17 22:192015-09-13 21:04
resolvedwon't fix 
0000941: AI wont using 9P129-1M 9M79-1K with trigger
I'm just new to RHS mod, so i tried to get the AI working with a trigger in a3editor, with the ss-21 Tochka[9p129-1M(9M79-1K)]

i even found some funtions like
 _type = 1 //deploy
 _lunch marker_name

but i realy don't know the init to get the AI to deploy, then targeting the marker and finaly firing.

would be great to get some help. thx a lot
mods running:

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Issue History
2015-08-17 22:19BlackVenomNew Issue
2015-08-18 22:02Bad TankmanNote Added: 0001990
2015-08-19 03:06BlackVenomNote Added: 0001994
2015-08-19 11:30Bad TankmanNote Added: 0001995
2015-08-20 18:14BlackVenomNote Added: 0002010
2015-09-13 21:04Soul_AssassinNote Added: 0002184
2015-09-13 21:04Soul_AssassinStatusnew => resolved
2015-09-13 21:04Soul_AssassinResolutionopen => won't fix
2015-09-13 21:04Soul_AssassinAssigned To => Soul_Assassin

Bad Tankman   
2015-08-18 22:02   
Maybe disable all mods and let only RHS?......
2015-08-19 03:06   
i dont think that the other mods are the issue, i just think i need to know how exactly i can use those functions given
Bad Tankman   
2015-08-19 11:30   
But you didnt tried without mods, didn't you? Try then, and write about resoult.
2015-08-20 18:14   
ok got part 1 done, with [tochka,1] spawn rhs_fnc_ss21_AI_prepare
i can get the ai to prepare the launch but i dont know how i can call the tochka to get mraker position and firing on marker.
2015-09-13 21:04   
This is really a scripting question to ask at the BIS forums.