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0006847AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2023-09-08 00:342023-09-08 00:34
0006847: Looking down the sights bug on GAZ-233014 vehicle
After AI use the GAZ-233014 vehicle in the gunner position to fire looking down the sights of the PKM misalign from the correct possition. The more the AI use it the worse it gets. This only affects the PKM since the AGS-30 sights are ok.
1) Get a GAZ-233014 vehicle;
2) Place an AI in the gunner position and make him use the PKM/AGS-30;
3) After some usage get in the gunner position and you will notice the PKM sights are not alined.
Arma 3 version 2.14.150957
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Issue History
2023-09-08 00:34PLeitaoNew Issue

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