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0006610USAFGeneralpublic2022-02-03 21:292022-02-04 11:17
closedno change required 
Blastcore Murr Edition
0006610: Make m72 and m136 use vanilla backblast effects
I'm the developer of Blastcore Murr Edition mod on steam and I've been trying to get the disposable launchers use the effects inherited from the vanilla effects, which I've beautified. However I cannot seem to get which complex effect class I should edit to make them use the effects I've created.
class RHS_Fired_M136HEAT
    class RocketBackfire1
    class RocketBacksmoke2
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";
    class RocketFrontsmoke
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";
    class RocketFrontDust
        enabled="(humidity interpolate [0.2,0.20001,1,0]) * isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,0])";
    class RocketBackDust
        enabled="(humidity interpolate [0.2,0.20001,1,0]) * isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,0])";
    class Dirt
        enabled="(isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,1])";
    class LauSparkBack
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";
    class LauSparkFront
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";
    class Script
    class HeatHazeBig
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";
    class HeatHazeBigFront
        enabled="(density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1])";

This does not simply work. Is there anything I'm missing? RPG7 and MAWS work perfectly fine.
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Issue History
2022-02-03 21:29VulpeculaNew Issue
2022-02-04 08:40reyhardNote Added: 0012004
2022-02-04 08:40reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2022-02-04 08:40reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2022-02-04 09:29VulpeculaNote Added: 0012006
2022-02-04 09:29VulpeculaStatusfeedback => new
2022-02-04 09:33VulpeculaNote Added: 0012007
2022-02-04 10:26reyhardNote Added: 0012008
2022-02-04 10:26reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2022-02-04 10:40VulpeculaNote Edited: 0012007bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=12007#r7621
2022-02-04 10:46VulpeculaNote Added: 0012010
2022-02-04 10:46VulpeculaStatusfeedback => new
2022-02-04 11:17reyhardNote Added: 0012011
2022-02-04 11:17reyhardStatusnew => closed
2022-02-04 11:17reyhardResolutionopen => no change required

2022-02-04 08:40   
uh, those launchers are using RocketBackEffectsRPGNT. RHS_Fired_M136HEAT is obsolete class
2022-02-04 09:29   
Oh, I see. In that case could you help me figure out why my effects are not played here:

class RocketBackEffectsRPGNT
    class RocketBackfire1
    class RocketBacksmoke2
    class RocketFrontsmoke
    class RocketFrontDust
        enabled="(humidity interpolate [0.2,0.20001,1,0]) * isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,0])";
    class RocketBackDust
        enabled="(humidity interpolate [0.2,0.20001,1,0]) * isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,0])";
    class Dirt
        enabled="(isWaterSurface * (distToSurface interpolate [1.5,1.51,1,1])";
    class LauSparkBack
        enabled="density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1]";
    class LauSparkFront
        enabled="density interpolate [0.98,0.981,-1,1]";
    class HeatHazeBig
    class HeatHazeBigFront

I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong.
2022-02-04 09:33   
(edited on: 2022-02-04 10:40)
Could it be the muzzle positions:

                positionName = "konec hlavne";
                directionName = "usti hlavne";

are not correct? What should I use?

2022-02-04 10:26   
I guess those effects might be prematurely killed due to fact, that after firing disposable launcher, those weapons are swapped to something different. In this case, I don't think you can do anything about it without creating some scripted logic or nested particle effects (particle A, with high interval rate, creates particle B) but that would need a lot of knowledge from your side.
2022-02-04 10:46   
That actually makes sense. I thought it may have something to do with the launcher being replaced. I'm not competent at scripting but I may try creating a dummy particle and spawning the effects from that using an emitter "particleEffects=*" as you've said. Getting the direction right could be hassle though.

Thanks for the reply and insight!
2022-02-04 11:17   
No problem :)