RHS Feedback - Documentation
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0006463Documentation[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-08-21 01:312021-08-22 11:41
closedno change required 
0006463: Text- Name change of Ammo type
My unit does not allow us to use the SOST, SBLR, and EPR ammunition types. They require us to use M855A1...(because it's the military designation of the actual ammunition types). I was wondering if it would be possible to change the name of the ammo to it's respective military designator. Instead of SOST use Mk318, instead of SOST use Mk262, instead of EPR use M855A1 (tracers are M856A1). I really like using the LANCER magazines, and the Logistics department of the unit believes it will cause confusion for people if they don't immediately see the M855A1 on the text in the Arsenal menu... instead of looking at the description on the character inventory screen. Feedback would be appreciated if this is a possibility at all! I have attached Gyazo pictures for reference. Thank you for your consideration!
https://gyazo.com/d377368bd9819761fc890e31035b78b3 [^]

https://gyazo.com/f73997ee6ac73242e5ee77aef8f9f219 [^]

https://gyazo.com/4491bb9ec16fb6aa8d5a4a9df6fe579d [^]

https://gyazo.com/af97732ec03b8f23118a16f7645cdf93 [^]
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Issue History
2021-08-21 01:31badfairNew Issue
2021-08-21 08:54da12thMonkeyNote Added: 0011863
2021-08-21 08:54da12thMonkeyAssigned To => da12thMonkey
2021-08-21 08:54da12thMonkeyStatusnew => feedback
2021-08-22 11:41da12thMonkeyStatusfeedback => closed
2021-08-22 11:41da12thMonkeyResolutionopen => no change required

2021-08-21 08:54   
I think you are confusing another mods magazines for ours. We don’t have any lancer magazines in RHS and we use M855A1, Mk316 etc. designations for all of our magazines