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0006425AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2021-07-05 08:432021-07-05 08:43
0006425: Azimuth pointer bug
Azimuth depends on view direction of gunner or commander not direction of turret.
I noticed a bug during gunner or commander turning out the vehicle. If they turn out and start observing with binocular, then azimuth pointer will change its values while turret does not change its direction.
1) Start game in MP with some RF vehicle (BMP-2 as example)
2) Get in driver slot, you teammate get in gunner slot
3) Watch at azimuth pointer
4) Your teammate need to turn out, get binocular and observe in various directions
5) Azimuth pointer of main gun will change
I guess it can be fixed with 'deg (vehicle player animationSourcePhase "mainturret");'
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Issue History
2021-07-05 08:43nevalashkarusNew Issue

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