Description | Some of the passenger seats on the Zil-131 trucks appear to be broken. The basic "Zil-131" version has no issues, but the others have problems:
- The Zil-131 (Open) has a number of seats that don't visually get filled in the vehicle and instead being in those seats results your view stuck floating in the center of the vehicle like the proxy is missing. The FFV seats also appear to overlap with some basic passenger seats [^] [^] This also causes AI to instantly get out of those seats if they are placed in them. Passenger 6 and 7 overlap the rear FFV seats, passenger 8 and 9 overlap the front FFV seats and passengers 10, 11 and 12 put your camera floating in the center of the vehicle, probably due to missing proxies. The "Passenger 2" seat also appears to be in the back of the truck, even though it seems like it should be in the front, as it is the same compartment as the driver and Passenger 1.
- Both of the (Flatbed) versions have only one passenger seat in the front, even though it seems like it should have two, like how the front seats in the basic version are [^] (flatbed on the right, basic on the left) |