RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0005872AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2020-09-12 18:592020-09-12 21:51
0005872: BTR-70 Wheel Change teleport and animation lock
When the player faces an OPFOR BTR-70 with a damaged wheel, the option to "Change X Y Wheel" becomes available to even members of BLUFOR, where X is the position of the wheel and Y is the side (left or right). This option appears on screen without scroll wheel input, and is present up to ~50m from the vehicle.
I loaded ARMA 3 with ONLY the RHSAFRF mod (no others), and entered the editor. On the Virtual Reality map, I placed one each of the following vehicles:


I then placed a playable character, and entered the map. I then shot the front left wheel of each vehicle until it disappeared from the vehicle. I then measured the distance at which the "Change Wheel" option was visible. A black box with the text, "Replacing Wheel" becomes visible under the ammo/grenade/stance box at the top right, and changes to, "Wheel Replaced" when the task is complete. This last box persists for about a minute then fades away.

I then repeated this with the second front wheel, and discovered the same behavior.

Oddly, when replacing the wheel, at the conclusion of the "wheel replacement animation," the player character seems to perform the "use medkit on self" animation as well.

The bug behavior seems tied to the number of "spare tires" mounted on the back of the BTR-70. I was able to confirm that the visibility of the "Change Tire" option was directly tied to the availability of a spare tire; if a vehicle with one spare tire had two wheels destroyed, the option to replace the tire was only visible for one replacement.

To be clear, the bug is not the fact that you are limited to only two tire replacements (that makes sense), but the fact that the tire replacement is available to memebers of the opposite faction and from up to 50m away.
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jpg 20200912100236_1.jpg (187,600) 2020-09-12 18:59
Issue History
2020-09-12 18:59saltedfishNew Issue
2020-09-12 18:59saltedfishFile Added: 20200912100236_1.jpg
2020-09-12 21:51reyhardNote Added: 0011017
2020-09-12 21:51reyhardStatusnew => closed
2020-09-12 21:51reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2020-09-12 21:51reyhardResolutionopen => duplicate

2020-09-12 21:51   
http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5835 [^]