RHS Feedback - USAF
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0000573USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-04-27 04:322015-05-21 15:14
lowminorhave not tried
closednot fixable 
0000573: Helicopters with AFM enabled do not behave like they should
In short, all RHS helicopters are way to easy to fly in Advanced Flight Model. You can't even get into a Vortex Ring State, can easily go -+20 vertical speed without any issues.

I don't know if there are any plans to improve AFM support, but at this point it feels just like Standard if not even easier, there are simply no bounds of what the helicopter can do.
- Sit in any RHS Helcopter
- Enable Advanced Flight Model
- Fly like crazy
Hopefully this didn't come out as ranting too much, thanks!
(Also can't select Product Version 0.3.7, only 0.3.6.)
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Issue History
2015-04-27 04:32JonpasNew Issue
2015-04-27 05:13SomeSangheiliNote Added: 0001273
2015-04-27 05:15SomeSangheiliNote Edited: 0001273bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=1273#r591
2015-04-27 05:32JonpasNote Added: 0001274
2015-04-27 11:57reyhardPrioritynormal => low
2015-04-27 11:57reyhardNote Added: 0001279
2015-04-27 17:29JonpasNote Added: 0001283
2015-04-27 19:15reyhardNote Added: 0001285
2015-04-27 19:32JonpasNote Added: 0001287
2015-04-27 20:13ruPaladinNote Added: 0001289
2015-04-27 20:24JonpasNote Added: 0001290
2015-05-10 07:10MataziNote Added: 0001359
2015-05-21 15:14Soul_AssassinNote Added: 0001487
2015-05-21 15:14Soul_AssassinStatusnew => closed
2015-05-21 15:14Soul_AssassinAssigned To => Soul_Assassin
2015-05-21 15:14Soul_AssassinResolutionopen => not fixable

2015-04-27 05:13   
(edited on: 2015-04-27 05:15)
I think they should just give RHS helicopters the closest looking vanilla AFMs
Eg: Ghosthawk AFM - Blackhawk
Huron AFM - Chinook
Hellcat AFM - Venom
Kajman or Blackfoot AFM - Apache and Hind

2015-04-27 05:32   
Indeed, that would be a great step forward! Further tweaking would definitely be much easier as well.
2015-04-27 11:57   
it's already done that way (except mi24 which I tried to model correctly & is missing vortex state ring data)
2015-04-27 17:29   
If that is so then something is terribly wrong. I believe we are on the same page that helicopters can't just go -+20 vertical speed without falling into vortex ring state or something falling off, have no way of breaking except crash and so on. Getting this tweaked to act more like vanilla ones would be a good way to go, right now (even if it does work as described above), it's nowhere near similar as to how it should act.
2015-04-27 19:15   
probably not going to happen soon (except mi24) since AFM tweaking is really hard job
2015-04-27 19:32   
I understand that, it's a very complex system. What I don't understand is, why don't they behave similar at all even though they have some form of vanilla AFM configurations?
2015-04-27 20:13   
Disable autotrim in settings. I am in doubt that it will be easier than standard model.
2015-04-27 20:24   
That's not the point. What is is helicopter going vertically up and down in incredible speeds, is maneuverable like nothing else. It ruins the fun with RHS helicopters.
2015-05-10 07:10   
The inherent problem is that the drag model is way off. The amount of crosswind drag imposed by forward movement is severely reduced. You should not be able to fight forward movement with anti torque at high speeds without completely damaging ATRQ. Autotrim on or off does not have any bearing on this.

Further, lift generation may be too excessive. Falling into VRS happens, but in a flat drop, you can nearly instantly up-collective out of it.
2015-05-21 15:14   
Guys, untill a AFM specialist and enthusiast steps up this is unlikely to improve much. This thing is just too complex and time consuming, and we ourselves dont play with AFM enabled.