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0005581USAFGeneralpublic2020-04-08 22:442020-04-12 14:29
closedno change required 
0005581: Invisible legs with at least "rhs_uniform_acu_oefcp"
In our community we started using the ACU OEF-CP uniform ("rhs_uniform_acu_oefcp") today.
During our session we encountered the issue that the legs of some people for some people (not globally) disappeared or had some black/brown texture glitches.
There were some who could see the legs of a player while somebody else doesn't, so it wasn't always the same player for everyone with this issue. Some even didn't had issues.
We sadly couldn't identify anything in common which would lead to a reliable reproduction of this issue.
The only used mod which really alter something on the uniform is KP Ranks. Although it only adds an insignia from CfgInsignias to the uniform via setObjectMaterialGlobal and setObjectTextureGlobal on the insignia hiddenSelection. That's the only "external" thing I can think of, which touches the uniforms in some way. We're using KP Ranks since some years now and never encountered an issue like that, so I don't think it's caused by it. Just wanted to share the information/thoughts.

Code which applies the insignia to the uniform, with the local _insignia variable holding as 0 the material and as 1 the texture of the insignia class.
E.g. ["\A3\Ui_f\data\GUI\Cfg\UnitInsignia\default_insignia.rvmat", "\KP_Ranks\ranks\green\kpd17_ca.paa"]

    if (_x == "insignia") exitWith {
        player setObjectMaterialGlobal [_forEachIndex, _insignia select 0];
        player setObjectTextureGlobal [_forEachIndex, _insignia select 1];
} forEach getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform player >> "ItemInfo" >> "uniformClass") >> "hiddenSelections");

Reference to the above texture:
https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Ranks/blob/master/addons/KP_Ranks/ranks/green/kpd17_ca.paa [^]
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jpg invisible_legs_rhs.jpg (1,993,401) 2020-04-08 22:44
Issue History
2020-04-08 22:44WyqerNew Issue
2020-04-08 22:44WyqerFile Added: invisible_legs_rhs.jpg
2020-04-08 22:52WyqerNote Added: 0010478
2020-04-09 06:59reyhardNote Added: 0010479
2020-04-09 06:59reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2020-04-09 06:59reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2020-04-09 07:19WyqerNote Added: 0010481
2020-04-09 07:19WyqerStatusfeedback => new
2020-04-09 07:23WyqerNote Added: 0010482
2020-04-09 09:42reyhardNote Added: 0010483
2020-04-09 09:42reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2020-04-12 14:29reyhardStatusfeedback => closed
2020-04-12 14:29reyhardResolutionopen => no change required

2020-04-08 22:52   
Due to database limitation for the mod field, this is the list of mods we've used:
* ACE Compat - RHS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
* ACE Compat - RHS Unitesd States Armed Forces
* ACRE 2
* Advanced Urban Rappelling
* Backpack On Chest
* CBA A3
* CUP Terrains - Core
* DUI Squad Radar
* Enhanced Movement
* FEMAL3 Heads
* G.O.S. Al Rayak
* Immerse
* KP Ranks
* Suppress
2020-04-09 06:59   
When this code is applied? http://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=5572 [^] It's very similar to this and one thing in common that I see is fact that both those uniforms are using more than single "camo" selection and both scripts are applying it at wrong place. You can use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getObjectTextures [^] as suggested in that other ticket and verify that the texture was applied at wrong place
2020-04-09 07:19   
Just read the linked ticket.
Thing is, that the KP Ranks texture is applied totally fine and without issues (seen on the screenshots on the left sleeve of the two guys).
So it's not a "wrong placement" of the texture. Of course it could still be the cause due to the described "more than a single camo selection".
I'll try to get this reproduces without any mods today and report back.
2020-04-09 07:23   
Oh well, it has to be this texture applying. Now as I look closer at the second screenshot, the leg texture is like a "big" version of the insignia on their sleeves. What's exactly the difference from this uniform to e.g. the vanilla or BW Mod uniforms (if known)? The mod never caused something like that before. So I need to create a workaround or catch for this "special case" which comes with these RHS uniforms. So it's also no RHS issue and this issue can basically be closed, I guess?
2020-04-09 09:42   
Most of the vanilla uniforms have on or two camo selections like this

hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","Camo2","insignia"};
hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo","insignia"};

while for instace ACU or G3 are using bit more selections.
hiddenSelections[] = {"camo1","camo2","camo3","identity","insignia"};

What I believe is happening is situation where upon respawn, script is reading some temporary uniform (some vanilla character with just one camo selection) and then it applies to correct uniform. My suggest would be probably making sure that respawn is finished (if its impossible to determine, then probably delay could do the trick) and then do all manipulations.