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0000532AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2015-04-21 19:242015-05-14 22:53
0000532: [Feature] Grad - P [ Partisan]
A simple unimportant suggestion for potentially fleshing out the irregular forces in the game.

"9K132 “Grad-P”(Wikipedia)

Single-round man-portable launcher, which can be reloaded and used again. The rocket itself is a 122mm fin-stabilized rocket, armed with any of the warheads used on BM-21 rockets. The weapon is not often used by the Russian military, but is popular with paramilitary and guerrilla force."

This weapon system is extremely popular amongst irregular forces ever since the Vietnam war. Though this was never adopted by the Russian Federation it has seen widespread use in the middle east , Africa, and most recently has been used by Ukrainian Separatists to get around the minks cease fire regulation of heavy artillery vehicles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w45WifduTw [^]

One notable feature that is pretty unique to the Grad p is the ability for it to be fired on a timer.

"The timer-operated 9K132 Grad-P can be easily hidden in a loft, a garden, or just some bushes. It can be set to fire an hour or a month after it has been activated. The Syrian military has been stocking up on these lately (Russians were happy to provide them, even canceling Syria’s tremendous debt to do so. Iran has their own variant, basically a mountless Arash missile with a modified launching mechanism) and training their slave-soldiers to operate these."

So there by in effect the weapon system could be aimed at an objective, set on a 10 minute timer and quickly get to safety before the position is compromised by the Grad p firing.

In regards to it's inclusion in RHS it would be beneficial if only to boost the irregular forces assets as it would be versatile for any guerrilla forces intended to be added now or in the future.

"Grad-P" na vooruzhenii V'yetkonga "Grad-P" V 1968 g. amerikanskiy zhurnal «Ordnans» soobshchil ob ochered­nom nepriyatnom (dlya ameri­kantsev) novshestve v vooruzhe­nii i taktike yuzhnov'yetnam­skikh partizan. Pri obstrele Tansonkhiata (krupneyshey aviabazy SSHA okolo Saygona) partizany primenili tyazhelyye reaktivnyye snaryady, obladayushchiye moshchnost'yu artilleriyskikh. Ame­rikantsy okazalis' sovershenno ne gotovymi k takomu povorotu sobytiy, ne smogli obespechit' bezopasnost' stolichnogo prigo­roda i voobshche, po slovam zhurnala, prishli «v sostoyaniye shoka, toch­neye, paniki». ...Nikogda ne bylo sekre­tom, chto v'yetnamtsy vy­igrali voynu s SSHA vo mnogom blagodarya khoroshemu osnashcheniyu sovetskim oruzhiyem i boyevoy tekhnikoy. No yesli vooru­zhennyye sily Severnogo V'yetnama uspeshno primenyali i zenitnyye upravlyayemyye rakety, i samolety, to boytsy «v'yetkonga» vynuzh­denno ispol'zovali tol'ko legkoye voo­ruzheniye, ot sily minomety i granatomety. Poetomu shturmovat' betonirovannyye forty i ukreplennyye bazy, na ko­toryye opiralis' amerikantsy, partizany ne mogli. Tak chto kogda v 1965 g. pravi­tel'stvo DRV uznalo o sushchestvo­vanii mobil'noy 40-stvol'noy sistemy reaktivnogo zalpovogo ognya «Grad», ono nemedlenno obratilos' v Moskvu s pros'boy sozdat' effektivnyy legkiy va­riant takoy ustanovki dlya yuzhnykh partizan. Takoye oruzhiye pozvolilo by im nakonets-to atakovat' vraga v ukrepleniyakh i unichtozhat' boye­vuyu tekhniku v mestakh yeye skople­niya. RAZRABOTKA USTANOVKI «GRAD-P» V iyune togo zhe goda u pervogo zamestitelya ministra oboronnoy promyshlennosti V.V. Bakhireva sozvali soveshchaniye, na kotoroye byli priglasheny: talantlivyy inzhener, sozdatel' strelkovogo i artilleriyskogo oruzhiya I.F. Dmitriyev; avtor «Grada», glavnyy konstruktor NII-147 A.N. Ganichev; R.YA. Purtsen iz tul'skogo Konstruktorskogo byuro priborostroyeniya (KBP). I avtor etoy stat'i, v kachestve predstavitelya TSKIB SOO. Vnachale obsuzhdalos' predlozheniye D.F. Ustinova — raz­mestit' napravlya­yushchiye «Grada» na avtomobile GAZ-69. Odnako bylo khorosho izvestno, chto vse shosseynyye i gruntovyye dorogi v Yuzhnom V'yetname kontroliruyutsya amerikantsa­mi. Partizany pronikali v tyly protivnika po taynym, prolozhennym v dzhunglyakh «tropam Kho Shi Mina». Poetomu bylo predlozheno sozdat' odnostvol'nuyu, leg­kuyu i razbornuyu perenosnuyu us­tanovku .Okazalos', chto A.YA. Ganichev uzhe razrabotal snaryad «Grad-T» s odnootsechnym marshevym dvi­gatelem, legko razbirayemyy na dve yermetichnyye chasti, perenosimyye vo v'yukakh. Po dal'nosti poleta novyy snaryad ustupal shtatnomu (10,8 km protiv 16), no dlya partizanskoy voyny v dzhunglyakh eto by­lo nesushchestvenno. V rezul'tate bylo resheno soz­dat' avtomobil'nyy i perenos­noy varianty. Prikazom ministra oboronnoy promyshlennosti glavnym konst­ruktorom avtomobil'noy usta­novki v KBP byl naznachen R.YA. Purtsen, a zanimat'sya perenosnym variantom v TSKIB SOO poruchili avtoru dannoy stat'i. Slozhnost' sozdaniya takogo ust­roystva byla ochevidna; prezhde vsego nado bylo reshit' nelegkuyu zadachu — kak odnovremenno obespechit' i ustoychivost', i priyemle­muyu kuchnost' strel'by 46-kilo­grammovym snaryadom iz ustanov­ki vesom vsego 55 kg? Analogichno­go oruzhiya yeshche ne bylo ni u nas, ni za rubezhom. O novizne dela luchshe vsego, pozhaluy, svidetel'stvoval takoy fakt: vpervyye v istorii TSKIB SOO razrabotchikam ne by­lo vydano taktiko-tekhnicheskogo zadaniya. Prezhde vsego my reshili is­pol'zovat' ukorochennuyu trubcha­tuyu gladkostvol'nuyu napravlyayushchuyu ot «Grada», snabdiv yeye vnut­rennim pazom. Paz zakruchival vy­letayushchiy snaryad, stabiliziruya tem samym yego polet. Pritsel PBO-2 i bussol' ispol'zovalis' shtat­nyye. Ugol gorizontal'nogo nave­deniya (bez peremeshcheniya ustanov­ki) sostavil po 7 gradusov v obe storony, vertikal'nogo, v zavisi­mosti ot dal'nosti strel'by — ot 10 do 40 gradusov. Dlya zapuska sna­ryada sluzhil germetichnyy vynos­noy pul't-generator, soyedinen­nyy so stvolom dvadtsatimetro­vym kabelem. Vyrabatyvayemyy pul'tom korotkiy impul's vos­plamenyal elektrozapal snaryada. Pritsel'nyye prisposobleniya ustanovki Pritsel'nyye prisposobleniya ustanovki "Grad-P" Stanok-trenozhnik s postoyan­noy liniyey ognya sostoyal iz stvo­la, lyul'ki, mekhanizmov navedeniya i trekh skladnykh opor. Perednyuyu oporu osnastili soshnikom dlya ustoychivosti sistemy pri strel'be. ...Rabotali my s polnoy otdachey, po dvenadtsat' i boleye chasov v sutki. Gotovyye chertezhi-belki srazu peredavali v proizvodstvo; izgo­tovleniye detaley i uzlov shlo kruglosutochno. Mysl' o tom, chto my trudimsya radi srazhayushchegosya V'yetnama, pridavala sil. Uzhe che­rez dva mesyatsa «Grad-P» byl gotov dlya ispytaniy. On umeshchalsya v pe­renosnyye v'yuki, samyy tyazhelyy iz kotorykh vesil 28 kg. Kak uzhe go­vorilos', nichego podobnogo v mi­re togda ne bylo. Poligonnyye ispytaniya ustanovki prokhodili s 24 iyulya po 19 avgusta pod rukovodstvom in­zhener-polkovnika A.S.Kulikova, inzhener-polkovnika G.I. Shterlyayeva i inzhener-kapitana N.N. Iva­nova. Vyyasnilos', chto sistema «Grad-P» — ves'ma effektivnoye i pritom prostoye v ekspluatatsii sredstvo porazheniya zhivoy sily i boyevoy tekhniki protivnika; ras­seivaniye snaryadov ne vykhodit iz normy. Odnovremenno prokhodil ispy­taniya i avtomobil'nyy variant; no v'yetnamtsy, iskhodya iz upomya­nutoy spetsifiki voyny v dzhun­glyakh, predpochli «Grad-P». Se­riynyy vypusk ustanovki byl organizovan na Kovrovskom mekhanicheskom zavode v 1966 g. Amerikantsev poyavle­niye nashikh izdeliy v Yuzhnom V'yetname zastalo vras­plokh; oni malo chto mogli protivopostavit' vnezap­nym, massirovannym raketnym udaram kak by niotkuda. Partiza­ny primenyali ustanovki «Grad-P» ves'ma gramotno. V razobrannom vide, vo v'yukakh oni perepravlyali ikh po «tropam Kho Shi Mina» k ame­rikanskim bazam i pryatali vokrug nikh. Kstati, pri lichnykh vstrechakh v'yetnamskiye tovarishchi osobo podcherkivali neprikhotlivost' «Gra­da-P». Ved' skrytnost' i vnezap­nost' yego primeneniya chasto dos­tigalas' prostym, no tem boleye nadezhnym sposobom: dostavlen­nyye na mesto v'yuki pritaplivali v bolotakh ili kanavakh na risovykh polyakh. A v naznachennyy srok vy­uzhennyye iz gryazi uzly sobirali, rasstavlyali na pozitsiyakh — i «gra­dy» strelyali tak zhe bezotkazno, kak na poligone. BOYEVOYe PRIMENENIYe I TTKH USTANOVOK «GRAD-P» ...Netrudno predstavit', chto proiskhodilo, kogda na protivni­ka sovershenno neozhidanno, s raz­nykh storon obrushivalis' fugasno-oskolochnyye snaryady, razru­shavshiye lyubyye ukrytiya, unichto­zhavshiye zhivuyu silu, tekhniku, skla­dy i neftekhranilishcha! Partizany obychno sosredotachivali protiv amerikanskogo opornogo punkta desyatki ustanovok, kazhdaya iz koto­rykh vypuskala po chetyre snaryada s minimal'nymi intervalami. V'yetnamtsy rasskazyvali, chto za odin nalet iz 18 ustanovok proiz­vodilos' 50-70 vystrelov, a iz 54 – do 213! Amerikantsy ne uspevali ne tol'ko podavit' partizanskiye ba­tarei svoyey artilleriyey, no dazhe vyyavit' ikh — strashnyye «v'yetkongovskiye orudiya» neizvestno otkuda poyavlyalis', a cherez desyatok mi­nut neizvestno kuda ischezali. Pat­ruli ne nakhodili nikakikh sledov — a «grady», vozmozhno, lezhali na dne toy zhe samoy kanavy — do sleduyushchego naleta... Byli sluchai, kogda ustanovki uspeshno primenyali i protiv ame­rikanskikh boyevykh korabley (voz­mozhno, imeyutsya v vidu tak nazyva­yemyye «ganshipy» — artilleriy­skiye rechnyye katera). Perenosnyye «Grady» postavlya­lis' i v drugiye regiony. Napri­mer, imi pol'zovalis' kubinskiye podrazdeleniya, srazhavshiyesya na storone natsional'no-osvobodi­tel'nykh frontov v nekotorykh af­rikanskikh stranakh. A vot v nashey armii «Grad-P» na vooruzheniye ne prinimalsya — ved' v yeye sostave ne bylo (kak i do sikh por net) pod­razdeleniy, prednaznachennykh dlya partizanskikh deystviy. Osnovnyye taktiko-tekhnicheskiye dannyye perenosnoy reaktivnoy ustanovki 9P-132 «Grad-P» (TKB-042): Kalibr – 122 mm; massa v boyevom polozhenii – 55 kg; massa perenosnykh v'yukov, kg: so stvolom — 25, so stankom — 28; vremya perevoda ustanovki iz pokhodnogo v boyevoye polozheniye i obratno —2,5 min; gabarity v boyevom polozhenii, mm: dlina – 2500, shirina – 1500, vysota – 2500; ugly vertikal'nogo navedeniya – ot 10 do 40°, gorizontal'nogo – v predelakh 14°; skorostrel'nost' – 1 vystrel v minutu; maksimal'naya dal'nost' strel'by – 10 800 m. (V. Volkov, konstruktor, zhurnal «Oruzhiye»)

Istochnik: http://war20.ru/article/37/grad-p-na-voorugenii-vietkonga [^] © Portal "Voyny XX veka"
"Grad-P" armed Viet Cong "Grad-P" In 1968, the American magazine "Ordnance" reported another unpleasant (for Americans) innovation in weaponry and tactics of the South Vietnamese guerrillas. In the shelling Tansonhiata (the largest US air base near Saigon) guerrillas used heavy missiles, which have a capacity of artillery. Americans were not ready for such an eventuality could not ensure the safety of the capital's suburbs and in general, according to the magazine, came "in a state of shock, rather, a panic." ... There has never been a secret that the Vietnamese won the war with the United States is largely due to the good equipment with Soviet weapons and military equipment. But if the forces of North Vietnam successfully applied and anti-aircraft missiles and planes, the fighters "VC" forced to use only light weapons, on the strength of mortars and grenade launchers. Therefore storm concrete forts and fortified bases relied on by the Americans, the guerrillas could not. So when in 1965 the Government of Vietnam has learned of the existence of a mobile 40-barrel system of reactive volley fire "Grad", it immediately appealed to Moscow with a request to establish an effective easy option of such a facility for the southern guerrillas. Such a weapon would allow them to finally attack the enemy in the fortifications and destroy military equipment at the point of congestion. DEVELOPMENT UNIT "Grad-P" In June of the same year, the First Deputy Minister of Defense Industry VV Bakhireva convened a meeting to which were invited: a talented engineer, creator of infantry and artillery weapons IF Dmitriev; author of "The Castle", the chief designer of the Research Institute of AN-147 Ganichev; RJ Purtsen of the Tula Instrument Design Bureau (KBP). And the author of this article, as a representative of TsKIB COO. Initially discussed the proposal DF Ustinov - post guides "Castle" on the car GAZ-69. However, it is well known that all roads and dirt roads in South Vietnam controlled by the Americans. Partisans penetrated behind enemy lines on a secret, laid in the jungle "Ho Chi Minh trail." It was therefore proposed to create a single-barreled, lightweight and collapsible portable installation .Okazalos that AY Ganichev already developed missile "Grad-T" with the one-compartment boosters, can be easily disassembled into two parts ermetichnye, carried in packs. According to the flight range of the new missile inferior staffing (10.8 km vs. 16), but for guerrilla warfare in the jungle it was immaterial. As a result, it was decided to create a car and portable versions. Order of the Minister of Defense Industry chief designer of automotive installation KBP was appointed RJ Purtsen, and engage in a portable version TsKIB SOO instructed the author of this article. The difficulty in creating such a device was obvious; first of all it was necessary to solve a difficult problem - how to simultaneously provide both stability and acceptable accuracy of firing 46-pound projectile from the unit weighs only 55 kg? Similar weapon was not yet neither we, nor abroad. The novelty does best, perhaps, witness the following fact: for the first time in the history of TsKIB SOO developers have been issued tactical and technical specifications. First of all, we decided to use a shortened tubular smoothbore guide from the "Castle", providing her inner groove. Twisted groove departing projectile thereby stabilizing its flight. The sight of the TSP-2 and compass use standard. The angle of the horizontal guidance (without moving unit) was 7 degrees to either side of vertical depending on the firing range - from 10 to 40 degrees. To run the shell served sealed remote control generator coupled with a trunk twenty-meter cable. Produced by remote control short pulse igniter ignited projectile. Sights Sights install "Grad-P" machine-tripod with a constant line of fire was out of the barrel, cradles, targeting mechanisms and three folding supports. Front support equipped opener for system stability when shooting. ... We worked as hard for twelve or more hours a day. Finished drawings proteins immediately transferred into production; manufacture of parts and assemblies was going around the clock. The idea that we are working for the sake of fighting in Vietnam, gave strength. Within two months, "Grad-P" was ready for testing. He fit in portable packs, the heaviest of which weighed 28 kg. As already mentioned, nothing like this in the world did not exist. Field testing of the installation took place from July 24 to August 19, under the leadership of Colonel A.S.Kulikova engineer, engineer Colonel GI Shterlyaeva and engineer Captain NN Ivanov. It turned out that the system "Grad-P" - a very effective and, moreover, easy to use tool engage manpower and combat materiel; dispersal shells are not out of the norm. At the same time the car was tested and option; but Vietnamese, based on the specifics of the said war in the jungle, choose "Grad-P". Serial production of the installation was organized at the Kovrov mechanical plant in 1966, Americans appearance of our products in South Vietnam by surprise; they could not do much to counter the sudden, massive missile strikes as if from nowhere. Guerrillas used installation "Grad-P" is very competently. Disassembled, in packs they transported them "Ho Chi Minh trail" to the US bases and hid around them. By the way, in person Vietnamese comrades have emphasized simplicity "Grad-P". After all, secrecy and surprise its application is often achieved by a simple, but the more reliable method: delivered to the place packs pritaplivali in swamps or ditches in rice fields. And at the appointed time vyuzhennye of dirt nodes harvested, the laying on of the system - "Grad" shoot as smoothly as on the range. Operational use and TTX SETTINGS "Grad-P" ... It is not hard to imagine what happened when the enemy unexpectedly, from different sides hit by high-explosive fragmentation shells, destroys any shelter, to destroy manpower, equipment, warehouses and storage facilities! Guerrillas usually focus against the American stronghold dozens of units, each of which produced four projectile with a minimum interval. Vietnamese told that in one raid of 18 plants produced 50-70 shots, and 54 - up to 213! Americans do not have time not only to suppress guerrilla their artillery battery, but even identify them - terrible "Vietcong gun" appeared out of nowhere, and after ten minutes disappeared to nowhere. The patrols did not find any traces - and "Grad" may lie at the bottom of the same ditch - until the next raid ... There were cases when the installation is successfully applied against US warships (probably refers to the so-called "ganshipy" - artillery river boats). Portable "Grad" and delivered to other regions. For example, they were used by Cuban units that fought on the side of national liberation fronts in some African countries. But in our army "Grad-P" was not taken into service - in fact in its composition was not (and still do not) units intended for guerrilla warfare. "

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w45WifduTw [^]

http://imgur.com/ZgT9d22,IN3k6SV,R7eAJCv,oz3nDVn,lVauvKM,Ui3ibSd,7THb7vE,r5FVHra,ofRpzcW,G4XoAWW#0 [^]
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2015-04-28 20:16   
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWOvgfFBMFI [^]

http://i.imgur.com/75ggZsr.jpg [^]
2015-05-14 22:53   
Not in plans for the moment