2019-08-13 17:34
(edited on: 2019-08-13 19:21) |
All aircraft countermeasures are now handled by dynamic loadouts.
You can select the number of flares and chaff from the loadouts menu in Eden (limited to the realistic number of flares/chaff the aircraft can carry)
Scripting-wise they can be changed with
`_vehicle setPylonLoadOut ["cmDispenser","magazineName",true]`
That will add both the appropriate magazine and launcher to the aircraft
The last "true" parameter will allow you to force any magazine on to the aircraft pylon, such as the higher capacity helicoper flare magazines such as
`_vehicle setPylonLoadOut ["cmDispenser","rhs_ASO2_CMFlare_Magazine_x4",true]` for a 128 round flare magazine
Adding non-dynamic loadouts countermeasure magazines like "120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"; will require you to to use the old addMagazine command but also add the old flare/chaff launcher weapon to the aircraft
`_vehicle addWeapon "rhs_weap_CMFlareLauncher";`