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0004548AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-09-01 14:382020-10-08 23:53
0004548: 7.62x39 BP "7N23"
Requesting to add the 7N23 (7.62x39 BP) ammunition to RHS.

From Wikipedia (en):
"Called BP, this bullet was developed in the 1980s and 1990s. It was officially adopted for Russian service in 2002 under the service name "7.62 BP", and with the GRAU designation 7N23. The BP bullet is claimed to achieve over three times the penetration of the PS bullet; it can defeat the Russian bullet-proof vest with designation 6B5 at distances below 250 meters."
From: http://gunrf.ru/rg_patron_7_62x39_eng.html [^]
" Creation of rather light anti-bullet flak jackets with a high level security and equipping land forces divisions of many armies of the world by its at 1980-1990 was the reason to improve a cartridge with an ordinary bullet. At the end of 1990 such modernization has been lead at Barnaul Cartridge Plant. The form, material and heat treatment process of core have undergone changes during modernization.
     As a result the bullet was made as a matter of fact as armour piercing bullet New 7.62mm cartridge 1943 model with armour piercing bullet 7.62 BP has been accepted on arms at 2002.
     The armour piercing bullet ensure the defeat of military personnel in personal armoured protective equipment located openly or behind light shelters, various weapon means and unarmoured technical equipment.
     The new cartridge has surpassed more than three times a cartridge with ordinary bullet on breakdown firm barrier. Thus it is provided trajectory associativity of a new cartridge bullet with a steel core bullet.
     Bullet head part is black."
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Issue History
2018-09-01 14:38EvgeniZNew Issue
2018-09-01 14:41EvgeniZDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5585#r5585
2020-08-18 20:29MaDnEssNote Added: 0010950
2020-09-06 05:11spartanbug117Note Added: 0011012
2020-10-08 23:53Georg_RavioliNote Added: 0011081

2020-08-18 20:29   
@reyhard, Any news on this ticket?
2020-09-06 05:11   
hey... they already have BP in the mod... its actual GRAU index is 7N22 not 7N23 .
2020-10-08 23:53   
Don't count on RHS to add this ammo, I don't think it's standard issue. I have a mod which adds this ammo and others:
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1885205711 [^]