RHS Feedback - Server
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0004283Server[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-08-11 19:192018-08-12 10:00
El Rabito 
0004283: Damaged fuel tanks cause server/client thread "spam"
I use RHS in Exile and while searching for performance hogs i stumbled upon this.

I spawn vehicles with random damaged hitpoints on server start, and if i do this with RHS vehicles they cause a big amount of additional threads for server/client.

Arma 3 vehicles only: 23 client threads / 25 server threads
Arma + RHS vehicles: 100+ client threads / 100 + server threads.
Arma + RHS vehicles (undamaged fuel tanks): 50 client threads / 50 server threads

I tried the same with Arma 3 vehicle and they don't produce any threads for client/server at all as you see above. I excluded "hitfuel" to test the impact and the threads go down to 50/50 (same amount of vehicles,restart after spawning the vehicles).
Spawn vehicles with hitpoint damage "hitfuel"
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Issue History
2018-08-11 19:19El RabitoNew Issue
2018-08-12 10:00reyhardStatusnew => resolved
2018-08-12 10:00reyhardResolutionopen => fixed
2018-08-12 10:00reyhardAssigned To => reyhard

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