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0004210AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-06-13 19:432020-01-07 12:12
closedwon't fix 
0004210: контейнеры ракет с-8 на Ми-28 висят в воздухе. containers of missiles s-8 on Mi-28 are hanging in the air
Нет креплений ракетных контейнеров С-8 к пилонам Ми-28, контейнеры висят в воздухе. Между контейнером и пилоном видна щель к тому же кривая.
There are no fastenings of S-8 missile containers to Mi-28 pylons, the containers hang in the air. Between the container and the pylon a slit is visible to the same curve.
посмотреть на подвеску ракет у Ми-28 в редакторе.
Look at the pylon of missiles from the Mi-28 in the editor.
Необходимо поставить крепления ракетного подвеса хотя бы как на Ка-52, и выровнять подвес контейнеров.
It is necessary to put the rocket suspension mounts at least as much as the Ka-52, and align the suspension of the containers.
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png ArmA 3 Screenshot 2018.06.13 - (1,086,875) 2018-06-13 19:43
Issue History
2018-06-13 19:43guridoNew Issue
2018-06-13 19:43guridoFile Added: ArmA 3 Screenshot 2018.06.13 -
2020-01-07 12:12reyhardNote Added: 0010175
2020-01-07 12:12reyhardStatusnew => closed
2020-01-07 12:12reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2020-01-07 12:12reyhardResolutionopen => won't fix

2020-01-07 12:12   
containers are actually clipping with pylons on your pic and current S8 pods are from Arma 3. New S8 pod would have to be created to have proper mounting