RHS Feedback - AFRF
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0004149AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-05-04 13:542018-05-05 09:06
closedno change required 
all rhs mods. advanced towing
0004149: Multiple instances of FuelLeak.sqf running all the time
Can anyone explain why I see extra threads running on my server regarding the rhs mods?
This is part of the output from infistar {diag_activeSQFScripts} function.
I reinstalled all the RHS mods in case of corruption but this still occurs. My server shows 11 threads instead of the normal 7 which accounts for the 4 items listed below.

This is running 4 times

v = _this select 0;
_f = _this select 1;
_d =_v getHitPointDamage ""HITfuel"";
while{_d<=_v getHitPo","\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_a2port_car\scripts\fuelLeak.sqf [RHS_fnc_fuelLeak]",true,12],["<spawn>
Runs all the time
No tags attached.
Issue History
2018-05-04 13:54joepeacekeeperNew Issue
2018-05-04 14:44reyhardNote Added: 0007728
2018-05-04 14:44reyhardAssigned To => reyhard
2018-05-04 14:44reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-05-04 19:18joepeacekeeperNote Added: 0007729
2018-05-04 19:18joepeacekeeperStatusfeedback => new
2018-05-04 19:41reyhardNote Added: 0007730
2018-05-04 19:41reyhardStatusnew => feedback
2018-05-04 19:53joepeacekeeperNote Added: 0007731
2018-05-04 19:53joepeacekeeperStatusfeedback => new
2018-05-04 20:16joepeacekeeperNote Added: 0007732
2018-05-05 09:06reyhardNote Added: 0007733
2018-05-05 09:06reyhardStatusnew => closed
2018-05-05 09:06reyhardResolutionopen => no change required

2018-05-04 14:44   
is it happening if you don't hit vehicle at all too?
2018-05-04 19:18   
Yes... happens when server 1st starts up. I even went into the database and repaired all vehicles on the server and it still occurs..
2018-05-04 19:41   
what kind of server it is? anyway, it shouldn't be an issue in next rhs version since that script was replaced with engine functionality - asking more out of curiosity since it seems like something wrong is going on your server [tested stable version and couldn't reproduce that error]
2018-05-04 19:53   
Running the server at GTXGaming... I am in the process of deleting the mods and re downloading to see if that it the issue. Running exile altis map.
with advanced towing, sling loading, revive, DMS and Occupation.
I have been having higher than normal cpu usage on the server since they moved it to a new box a few weeks ago.. I have been trying to troubleshoot this and that is why i saw the script running 4 times.
2018-05-04 20:16   
Still seeing it after replacing the mods here is the output from {diag_activeSQFScripts}

_v = _this select 0;
_f = _this select 1;
_d =_v getHitPointDamage ""HITfuel"";
while{_d<=_v getHitPo","\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_a2port_car\scripts\fuelLeak.sqf [RHS_fnc_fuelLeak]",true,12],["<spawn>
_v = _this select 0;
_f = _this select 1;
_d =_v getHitPointDamage ""HITfuel"";
while{_d<=_v getHitPo","\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_a2port_car\scripts\fuelLeak.sqf [RHS_fnc_fuelLeak]",true,12],["<spawn>
_v = _this select 0;
_f = _this select 1;
_d =_v getHitPointDamage ""HITfuel"";
while{_d<=_v getHitPo","\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_a2port_car\scripts\fuelLeak.sqf [RHS_fnc_fuelLeak]",true,12],["<spawn>
_v = _this select 0;
_f = _this select 1;
_d =_v getHitPointDamage ""HITfuel"";
while{_d<=_v getHitPo","\rhsafrf\addons\rhs_c_a2port_car\scripts\fuelLeak.sqf [RHS_fnc_fuelLeak]",true,12],["mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\scarCODE\ServerInfoMenu\sqf\initLocal.sqf","mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\scarCODE\ServerInfoMenu\sqf\initLocal.sqf",true,35],["mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf","mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf",true,35],["BIS_fnc_itemType","",true,192],["<spawn>
while {true} do {
if(!isNull player && isPlayer player) then {
if!( player getVariable [""ASL_Action","",true,1078],["<spawn>
while {true} do {
if(!isNull player && isPlayer player) then {
if!( player getVariable [""SA_Tow_Act","",true,745],["<spawn> ","",true,762],["RE_CHECKS","",true,26],["<spawn>
while {true} do {
waitUntil{!isNil ""ExileClientLoadedIn""};
UISleep 0.1;
waitUntil{ExileClientLoaded","ExAdClient\HaloParachute\postInit.sqf [ExAd_fnc_postInitHP]",true,57],["BIS_fnc_param","mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\ExadClient\XM8\Apps\CHVD\config.sqf",true,79],["<spawn>
for ""_i"" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
waitUntil {UAVControl (getConnectedUAV player) select 1 != """"};
[n","mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\ExadClient\XM8\Apps\CHVD\config.sqf",true,84],["<spawn>while {true} do{if(isNull objectParent player)then{player_pos_no_vehicle = player modelToWorldVisual","",true,104],["<spawn>
sleep 2;

if (isnil {_x getVariable ""IL_Taru_Action_Attach""}) then
_x setVariable [","mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\IgiLoad\IgiLoadTaru.sqf",true,32],["<spawn>
_oldText = ['wf1tTCT',''] call fnc_getPNS;

_display = findDisplay -1341;
_oldText = ['wf2tTCT',''] call fnc_getPNS;
2018-05-05 09:06   
I guess it's something in the mission itself - like vehicles starting damaged or something like that. As I said, that script was replaced anyway so there is nothing you should worry about