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0000041AFRF[All Projects] Generalpublic2014-11-30 23:492014-12-01 11:59
closedwon't fix 
0000041: T-72 periscopes/sight
There is too much zoom on periscope view and i cant see so much through it as i should. Periscope have same zoom as main sight. BTW periscopes on Arma ii /w Ace2 was best - try ti import it or make "bigger hole" to look through it. In real you see a little more when you put your eyes closer to periscope. And Main sight like to disapear usualy after swithing back from NV sight or this in V shape.
Get in T-72, change sight view, press num + untill you will look through periscopes. now swith to main sight - can you see deference between zoom level? Do you even see a sight?
Please make T-72 more playable and best will be adding T-72B3 and T-90 with thermal vision (i dont know why in Arma III mod are tanks without it)
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Issue History
2014-11-30 23:49vlad_8011New Issue
2014-12-01 00:45MistyRoninNote Added: 0000079
2014-12-01 00:45MistyRoninAssigned To => MistyRonin
2014-12-01 00:45MistyRoninStatusnew => acknowledged
2014-12-01 00:52MistyRoninPriorityhigh => none
2014-12-01 00:52MistyRoninSeveritymajor => feature
2014-12-01 00:59MistyRoninStatusacknowledged => confirmed
2014-12-01 11:59reyhardNote Added: 0000085
2014-12-01 11:59reyhardStatusconfirmed => closed
2014-12-01 11:59reyhardAssigned ToMistyRonin =>
2014-12-01 11:59reyhardResolutionopen => won't fix

2014-12-01 00:45   
Our tank FCS try to represent faithfully the reality.

On the T-72 and T-90 they are already in our plans. :)
2014-12-01 11:59   
current periscope have 1.4x zoom while ace had 2.1x zoom on periscope view? zoom is there as all those views are from one point (engine limitation) and without it you would see pretty much tpd-k1 housing. as for sight disappearing it will be tweaked - it's caused by too fast mode changing