RHS Feedback - USAF
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0004083USAF[All Projects] Generalpublic2018-04-12 19:202018-04-12 21:59
0004083: Abrams driver vulnerable to dud GL grenades
Driver of Abrams is vulnerable to dud grenade launcher grenades, both underbarrel and automatic/static, from both USAF and AFRF, with driver's hatch closed.

Works with all types of grenades, including but not limited to HE, HEDP, Smoke, Flare

Extremely unlikely to happen, but probably unintentional behavior since .50 cal will not penetrate periscope and kill driver.

Have not updated to Arma Ver 1.82, but seeing as that broke some things with armor, probably still persists
Player/AI get in as driver without turning out
Player, equipped with 40mm UGL/25mm UGL or in static AGS-30/MK19 shoots at periscope of driver's hatch at closer than fuzing distance, causing round to not explode - Slightly tricky to aim correctly at that distance, but nonetheless reproducible
Driver instantly dies regardless of equipment(e.g. helmet/vest)
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Issue History
2018-04-12 19:20blahNew Issue
2018-04-12 19:22blahDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5152#r5152
2018-04-12 21:58reyhardStatusnew => resolved
2018-04-12 21:58reyhardFixed in Version => 0.4.6
2018-04-12 21:58reyhardResolutionopen => fixed
2018-04-12 21:58reyhardAssigned To => reyhard

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