Notes |
cannot reproduce - are you sure are you using RHS M72? can you try without any 3rd party mods launched? |
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Here is a video. Basically whenever I pull a M72 and extend the tube to have the rocket in the chamber, and then put it back in a crate and go to get another one, i cannot extend the chamber and get a new rocket. |
could you try switching to different weapon between pulling new m72? I'm afraid otherwise it's how arma ui works - i could make a workaround but would be quite (for such purpose) performance expensive |
2018-04-04 18:35
(edited on: 2018-04-04 18:37) |
You are using ace3 and so the ace disposal launcher is activated.
You need to reload always one-use-rocket-launchers with ace3 befor the first use.
if we disabled the ace3 disposal launcher would that fix the issue? |
I was thinking this: If i can edit the CfgWeapons.hpp within our USAF ace compatibility pbo and add this:
class rhs_weap_M136: Launcher_Base_F {
class rhs_weap_m72a7;
class rhs_weap_m72a7: rhs_weap_M136 {
ace_reloadlaunchers_enabled = 1;
That would potentially fix it? I am not so sure what to do other than that. any help w/ my code is appreciated. |
i think you mean ace_reloadlaunchers_enabled = 0 if you want to disable it. |
That was never enabled apparently? Any other solutions?>?? |
@ramathorn - have you already tried what I suggested?